cwmmike 發表於 2013-2-28 01:31

The Tour of Misia Box Blu-ray 15th Celebration

本帖最後由 cwmmike 於 2013-2-28 01:47 編輯

星期日於Amazon JP下訂, 今天終於收到啦. 全套11隻Blu-ray, 超過1300分鐘內容, 由頭睇到尾要20個鐘! 唔知係未吏上最豐富既演唱會合輯呢?

內容包括4個已發行的blu-ray版演唱會(Eighth World至Soul Quest), 及6個2005年前DVD演唱會的remastered版, 最後一隻bonus disk 包括約6首來自2012 Misia Best Music Adward concert 的Live及另外一些Live剪輯.

果4隻原Blu-ray版當然是原汁原味, 最關心就是原DVD版remastered的質素如何.我本身有The Singer Show 的DVD, 比較下Remaster版畫面解像度大勝, 雜信減少, 初聽下音質都較高, 就只是顏色未有大改進, 不及新一代BD碟的鮮艷.總括來說, 聲畫是未及近幾年的Blu-ray演唱會, 但還是比一般DVD超越很多

同時買埋15th Super Best Album, 太滿足啦

補充內容 (2013-3-2 01:45):
呢幾日有時間試真D,原來2005The Singer Show顏色冇咁鮮艷只係因為現場燈光本身就偏藍,唔關format事。已經睇晒第三隻 2002同第四隻2003,加上第六隻2005,呢三隻都達到BD水平,第一隻1999/2000同第二隻2001就差好多。唔知點解第五隻2004D聲好似現場盜錄,隔左一層野咁

jason1969 發表於 2013-2-28 07:07


timchan 發表於 2013-2-28 09:15


wychan 發表於 2013-2-28 23:32

although i got the latest four bluray already, i still also got this, only found that the first two bluray are in dvd quality, others are well remastered.

cwmmike 發表於 2013-3-1 09:34

wychan 發表於 2013-2-28 23:32 static/image/common/back.gif
although i got the latest four bluray already, i still also got this, only found that the first two...

You bought the box set even you already got the latest 4 BD, you are real fans.

Yes the first 2 disks are DVD quality, or even lower. It is expected considering the recording technology in 2000.
Also, the sound of the 5th one Mars and Roses is also not good.
But have you noticed the 3rd one The Tour of Misia 2002 is very high quality, reach BD level.

wantai288 發表於 2013-3-1 18:17

ching 她六月黎香港開演唱會...你會睇嗎?


cwmmike 發表於 2013-3-2 01:34

wantai288 發表於 2013-3-1 18:17 static/image/common/back.gif
ching 她六月黎香港開演唱會...你會睇嗎?

同15th Super Best Record 一齊買約$1950,除番開約千六

wychan 發表於 2013-3-2 09:38

本帖最後由 wychan 於 2013-3-2 09:41 編輯

wantai288 發表於 2013-3-1 18:17 static/image/common/back.gif
ching 她六月黎香港開演唱會...你會睇嗎?

星空live this time!great!

i watched her last two concerts in hk
also went to japan to watch last year

SonSon 發表於 2013-3-2 09:42


達子 發表於 2013-3-5 16:11

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