5部AMP, 邊部好? 我是用535R的.
小弟用535R耳機, 試過不同的AMP後, 最後選擇有:1. VorzAMPure
2. VorzAMDuo
3. RaySamuel - The Tomakawk
4. The Predator
5. SR71B
各位覺得邊部好? 535其實真係唔洗加Amp
試過Ak100+71B+535, 有amp仲衰過無amp{:1_331:} 我都覺得可以唔如,因為推力大唔等於好聲,所以果舊錢愛黎買高級既播放器提升會重大
但係加左如VorzAMDuo, 會加多左低音, 或加其他的如音場 1. VorzAMPure-Its better to get Duo cost only a little money differance
2. VorzAMDuo-Good Sound , Small Size , Reasonable price , have Bass boost option
3. RaySamuel - The Tomakawk - not try this one , I pefer RSA P51 for vocal choice
4. The Predator-Not recommand if you not use its DAC function
5. SR71B- Not recommand if you not use balance 有FD個意見係: amp仲有調音既作用,至於你話ipc夠推535,難保你第日換左耳機都夠推,有好既前端先可以試到耳機既能力,否則去試耳機時會比到自己錯覺係只耳機唔得。 stevenyu2000, 多謝你既意見, 我都好大機會買VorzAMDuo, 因為其他AMP, 我試時都對耳機沒有太大的變化... bertram 發表於 2013-2-28 10:11 static/image/common/back.gif
stevenyu2000, 多謝你既意見, 我都好大機會買VorzAMDuo, 因為其他AMP, 我試時都對耳機沒有太大的變化... ...
As a SE535 ex user , I have use SE535 and SE535R for a long time , I can say the SE535 easy to drive but hard to drive very well.
IPC sure cannot drive well. stevenyu2000, 我想問下你, 如果將AMP校到最大聲用耳機分別2次, 每次2秒.
咁你最後點set 535R, 才set好?