tomtomsuccess 發表於 2013-2-26 08:58

calcal 發表於 2013-2-25 20:35 static/image/common/back.gif
我估無咩人會伶出街用了. 放嚮屋企玩下都會的.

而家d隨身聽實在太方便. 今時今日我估都無咩人會響條街 ...


jason1969 發表於 2013-2-26 09:27

Discman 當年型爆{:6_175:}

rsx 發表於 2013-2-26 10:57

jason1969 發表於 2013-2-26 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Discman 當年型爆

many years ago, i've used Sony DZ-555 Discman which had optical and line-out to be a normal cd player to connect it to an ampin my bedroom, sound is very musical and natural{:6_237:}

but it is regret that i gave it to my friend{:6_187:}

ckw3031 發表於 2013-2-26 11:20

rsx 發表於 2013-2-26 10:57 static/image/common/back.gif
many years ago, i've used Sony DZ-555 Discman which had optical and line-out to be a normal cd pla ...


jason1969 發表於 2013-2-26 11:38

rsx 發表於 2013-2-26 10:57 static/image/common/back.gif
many years ago, i've used Sony DZ-555 Discman which had optical and line-out to be a normal cd pla ...

very impresive {:6_193:}

calcal 發表於 2013-2-26 21:02

tomtomsuccess 發表於 2013-2-26 08:58 static/image/common/back.gif


calcal 發表於 2013-2-26 21:03

jason1969 發表於 2013-2-26 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Discman 當年型爆

我當年都玩左幾隻. 有technics同埋sony. 而家都壞晒了! {:6_191:}

Sunbird 發表於 2013-2-27 12:34


myself 發表於 2018-8-22 13:24

Coaxial digital out discman, 小弟玩過有兩架:
1 akai pd-x73=(optimius 3400),當年用過做transport. 已經懷了十幾年。

2 kenwood dpc 92 ( 用3.5 mm頭出)。而家玩緊,不過冇用到来做transport!

Kenwood dpc77 也有coaxial out!

hiukong 發表於 2018-8-28 08:20

師兄,我都將我部 Sony D-EJ758CK Discman DIY 將 lineout 改左做同軸輸出,宜家拎左返公司做transport,係幾正呀{:6_143:}
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