madvlam 發表於 2009-6-28 15:21

My 私人影院

本帖最後由 madvlam 於 2009-6-29 18:38 編輯

Hi Everyone,

First of all 請不要笑我, I know this system is cheap, but it is my first AV system:

1. Sony HT-IS100 home theatre
2. LG 37H20FD (37" Full HD LCD TV)
3. LG BD300 Blu-Ray Player
4. Cheap Cheap DVD recorder
5. XBox 360
6. Belkin PureAV Isolator 8 sockets powerbar

Will post review and details later... {:1_262:}

nbhd 發表於 2009-6-28 15:28


chhanthony 發表於 2009-6-28 16:19

平有平玩貴有貴玩, 最緊要玩得開心

ming 發表於 2009-6-28 16:24

BDP 我係 BD370

cfsdms 發表於 2009-6-28 16:38


WhyFive 發表於 2009-6-28 16:38

{:1_326:}Very nice!! 慢慢upgrade。

furanku 發表於 2009-6-28 16:58

enjoy what you have{:6_142:}

otigero 發表於 2009-6-28 17:04


madvlam 發表於 2009-6-28 17:38

本帖最後由 madvlam 於 2009-6-28 17:59 編輯

Thx all, here is the review and details:

1. LG BD-300 (BDP): HDMI -> IS100 -> TV
2. XBox360:
    i) Component+Audio -> TV (just in case i dun need the Amp to play - esp. at late night)
    ii) Optical -> IS100 (for Dolby Digital)
3. Cheap Cheap DVD: Component+Audio -> IS100 -> TV (via HDMI)

1. Feature-wise OK: Dolby Digital, DTS, LPCM decoding, auto-calibration,
2. Enough input (except "red/white" audio - just one), input switching (see appendix below for up-conversion problem)
3. Powerful enough (at least for the size of my living room :)
4. Surrond effect good enough (at least for newbies like me :)
5. Enough accessories for "out-of-the-box" experience (cables, wall mount etc.)
6. On-site installation included (e.g. wall-mounting)
7. Cheap! ($4.2K at MK)

1. No latest codec (DTS-HD MA, Dolby TrueHD)
2. No headphone jack!
3. All connections at the bottom of the subwoofer, very inconvenient
4. Turns out no video up-conversion (see appendix below)

Good enough for newbies, some say if u spent a little and go from 2.0 to 5.1 you get lots of improvement, but u need to spend alot to see the differences if u go from 5.1 to better 5.1 or 7.1 {:1_253:}

As the attached indicated, the HT-IS100 "should" be able to up-convert component signal (480i/p, 576i/p) to 1080i, turns out it didn't quite work (i checked input signal from my TV), seems that nobody at sony is able to answer this question...

747-300 發表於 2009-6-28 18:12

唔錯喎!! ching你哩套比我第一套av system勁好多!!{:6_122:} 最緊要開心!!{:6_193:}
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