zardperry 發表於 2013-3-9 16:12

kkbut18 發表於 2013-3-8 09:38 static/image/common/back.gif
我都係用緊himedia 600a,駁住部nas播片好順無窒過(bluray iso),所以我覺得幾好用! ...

Me too. 用緊600A 行lan 線播 4x GB ISO 好順. {:6_193:}

chanson 發表於 2013-3-20 12:46

@ kkbut18: 見到你話用 himedia 600a + nas 播 bluray iso 冇問題我就想問問.

你係咪用LAN or WIFI, 如果係Lan, 係gigabit LAN (CAT5e or CAT6) 駁 router and NAS 定還係傳統 CAT5.

Media player: MyGica V9 (REALTEK 1186 3D智能雙核晶片,主頻達到750MHz,同時配備512MB DDR3緩衝記憶體)
Router: Apple airport extreme (support Gigabit LAN)
NAS: Synology 213 (average 108.41 MB/sec reading speed and 65.36 MB/sec writing)

用 wifi 播 DVD file (mkv) 絕對冇問題,但經 wifi 播bluray file (BDMV, BDISO) 過我部 apple macbook pro 睇就 ok (用 xbmc 軟件),mygica睇就唔得 (窒, 有時冇聲).

問左人. 大多數都話行 LAN 會好過行 WIFI. 跟住我就駁 lan 試吓, 結果好d d 但都係窒同有時冇聲.

一陣唸住去高登買兩條CAT 6 唸住試試, 再唔得就唸住轉 media player, 但比我睇到你呢個post就覺得未必係部v9問題 (因 600a 既 spec 係冇 mygica v9 強)

想問有冇乜嘢setting未做, (我搞左幾日, 請各位高手幫幫忙)

dwight 發表於 2013-3-20 23:43

chanson 發表於 2013-3-20 12:46 static/image/common/back.gif
@ kkbut18: 見到你話用 himedia 600a + nas 播 bluray iso 冇問題我就想問問.

你係咪用LAN or WIFI, 如果 ...

Your media player may not be compatible with gigabit LAN.You may try connecting the media player to a router/switch without gigabit LAN port to see if it helps.

wrigley 發表於 2013-3-21 10:06

我都用緊 600A 拖 NAS 播片,
非常好,仲有 bitstream。

遲啲連部 HTPC都唔想要。

chanson 發表於 2013-3-21 16:14

dwight 發表於 2013-3-20 23:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Your media player may not be compatible with gigabit LAN.You may try connecting the media player ...

Thx dwight:

At the end I bought the other media player (DUNE HD Base 3D) and it works fine indeed. My old media player (MyGica V9) is support Gigabit Lan but somehow the network card is not working..

Now I am good to play those 4x GB bluray iso and bdmv thru NAS.. but still those MyGica and Himedia still good on user friendly interface and I love those.

kennyko 發表於 2013-3-22 13:22

chanson 發表於 2013-3-21 16:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Thx dwight:

At the end I bought the other media player (DUNE HD Base 3D) and it works fine indeed ...

Hi Chanson,

DUNE HD Base 3D正式支援bd-iso? 我見佢個spec無list出來...想問清楚, thanks!

chanson 發表於 2013-4-2 16:02

kennyko 發表於 2013-3-22 13:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi Chanson,

DUNE HD Base 3D正式支援bd-iso? 我見佢個spec無list出來...想問清楚, thanks!

yes... support BD-ISO but without menu selections as cinavia protection.

hahaha111 發表於 2013-4-3 16:03


Bush 發表於 2013-4-6 17:27

Bought Himedia Q10 yesterday!!

Andy 發表於 2013-4-14 19:37

wrigley 發表於 2013-3-21 10:06 static/image/common/back.gif
我都用緊 600A 拖 NAS 播片,
非常好,仲有 bitstream。

請問師兄,播iso時hdmi出av amp出唔出到高清音效呢?
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: MyGica VS himedia,邊只好?

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