Olivia Ong今日一入
32bit /192kHz audiophile mastering \^.^/ 係咪新歌 ? 覺得呢個封面個樣冇咁索 是否從新編曲, or 只係靚聲d?{:6_240:} 未得閒check n compare, 但睇歌名應有唔少舊歌,新錄音mastering. 快d有好似AV展既computer 檔賣咪好law. 24bit/192kHz yaya^.^ They are all old songs from her pervious collections except the last song (track 17). But all 16 songs have been remastered with better sound stage and more 3D (depth improved).But maybe my opinion is different from yours, since I have listen DSD format instead of 32bit/192kHz PCM format. {:1_333:} 唔係重新編曲 , 而係重新混音 , 我比較過認為呢隻好聲d , 首where is the love d高音位呢隻柔順好多 . 音質同之前隻 The Best of olivia ong (XR2CD)相差不遠。
adktk 發表於 2013-2-14 01:03 static/image/common/back.gif
They are all old songs from her pervious collections except the last song (track 17). But all 16 son ...
其實有個疑問. 呢類碟其實可唔可以話係味精碟呢? samsontatsuya 發表於 2013-2-14 18:31 static/image/common/back.gif
音質同之前隻 The Best of olivia ong (XR2CD)相差不遠。