Dune HD 新機 - 2013 Q1
明文唔覺有寫iso, BDMV之類,.... 本帖最後由 myblue 於 2013-2-11 14:25 編輯
對新Chips暨DUNE HD Max 3d, 唔知係好事定壞事:
Translated ------------
HDI seems to have abandoned the project of integration of the new Sigma Design chip in its media player, preferring the Intel CE5315 SoC. The idea seems to be working because the company had demonstrations on the integration of XBMC on their plate and apparently it worked very well.
Intel CE5315 SoC (Dual Core, multi threaded with SGX 545 video) is a variation of CE3100 SoC, which was originally planned to be integrated into the Smart TV Box and TV, but in a more powerful version that will allow the Dune HD Max 3D propose a highly advanced interface with XBMC to manage the system covers, plugins, and applications of all kinds. From the Blog HD LAND, source of information, the Dune HD MAX handles Blu-ray 3D, DVD ISO, BD 2D & 3D, 2D & 3D BDMV, with support for HD audio formats (DTS-HD and TrueHD). Also note that this board is subject to the Cinavia protection, but it concerns only Blu-ray physics, not rips Blu-ray to MKV, M2TS and others.
For the rest, the Dune HD MAX retains the same specifications with a HDD Rack 3.5 "hot-swappable, Blu-ray 3D, a card reader, HDMI 1.4, Gigabit Ethernet, outputs S / Pdif optical coaxial, 3 USB ports and stereo outputs and analog 7.1. It could be that the 7.1 analog output is suppressed, but this remains to be confirmed ...
No availability date or price, or visuals available for the moment, as the reader presentation was a prototype. HDI refers to availability in March 2013, but if we refer to the manufacturer's previous announcements, nothing is less certain ...
香港有冇人做先?冇就咩都唔駛講! 咁講, Dune 依家香港有代理, 應該到時都有, 唯一係價錢, 如果去到4字頭就唔使谂了, 如果4千幾,就梗係103啦。
另外唔知有無出TV-403D 呢? 咁貴部機,其實如果除咗租碟返嚟 rip 落 Hard Drive 睇之外,此機最大用途會是什麼? {:1_342:} 本帖最後由 myblue 於 2013-2-13 10:25 編輯
玩MP要咁貴真係唔知值唔值,不過如果當佢BDP +MP+CDP咁睇,個心會好過d, 早前聽聞部max 3D近oppo 個價位?. 部HD pro 就更加唔使諗,梗係要d pro 友先買得到pro 囉。我剩係要部全能機,換走依家八國咁亂個d 器材:
1) 有BDP, 睇到BD diskette, 亞馬遜碟一定要睇到兼開全區碼。(強國碟得就bonus)
2) 影畫質數唔可差過Dune Smart
3) 音要有analog out, 有埋coaxial, optical之類就bonus
4). File 要一定支援BD iso, BDMV, mkv同DVD iso ( 兼要DVD 線數提昇如Dune smart)
5).睇file一定唔可有水印,如睇BD diskette都無水印就Bonus
6). 要支援多USB ports, 至少可同時認到USB docking 上面4隻或以上HDD (2~3GB)
7). 一定要有SMB, NFS, 仲要係Gigabit.
8). 要做埋NAS功能,至少有SMB server或FTP server
9). 可外掛字幕
如果有齊以上功能就強囉。 依家市面上較近鎊暨會係月肉版LX55, 不過就無佐DVD iso 同NAS功能, 個docking support 亦未知數,另就畫質可能誇佐d兼個firmware 未穩定,且價錢去到103,以月肉兼無原廠保用就少少貴。