obee 發表於 2013-2-8 16:58

eric_on 發表於 2013-2-8 16:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我覺得一半一半啦, 我始終覺得有嘢揸手係實在啲, 還有精美PACKING都係CD買點之一。
另外儲存空間係另一個 ...

HD 當然要有 backup, mirror. 建議你做多份唔同media (如燒碟), 因為可能有個宇宙離子風暴就將你隻HD消咁部分資料.
同埋個BACKUP / MIRROR 要放唔同地方 (唔同單位), 你唔知會唔會touch wood屋企火燭.

beerboy 發表於 2013-2-8 17:10

kenneth_obee 發表於 2013-2-8 16:53 static/image/common/back.gif
Beer哥, 小弟有諗過, 但考慮到Beer哥以上所提出嘅幾點, 真係好中... 所以我只係仲停留諗嘅階段.
以下說話 ...

大佬,我亂吹嫁咋。唔好因為我d亂吹唔試呀。 {:8_381:}不過講真,生活迫人,好多野都係從妥協中點下最高要求條低線,就已經好快樂,唔係個個好似烏蠅大師咁,又有米,又得閒....{:8_367:}

!替天行道! 發表於 2013-2-8 17:29

"Release of CD Album" is a marketing tool for entertainment industry, it will not die, because this activity is made from money backed up by institutions, even people do not buy CD's, CD cannot die. May be some substitutes like bluray audio disc will try to take a position in the market but i think bluray will die first, because AV industry is ever changing, but 2ch audio industry still has its place.Vinyl will not die but probably shrink and expand like a cycle, until people born in the 50's die, because these people always believe the new generations produce shit musics and are too nostalgic with their 80's moments so they take out their vinyls and think about the past and sweet old memories.
CAS still can't give me the feeling of CD, pressing the "eject" button is a lifestyle, pressing "play" is a drama, itunes cannot give me this. Even i bought a mac mini two weeks ago, and thought of getting rid of my cd player, but gave up finally coz CD is just different.

I bought a turntable just for them. But my mum and dad have about 50 lp at home.
Honestly, listening to musics from the 70-80's in vinyls is nothing can be compared, the scratches on the disc give you that old school feeling is something cd cannot give.

beerboy 發表於 2013-2-8 17:36

!替天行道! 發表於 2013-2-8 17:29 static/image/common/back.gif
"Release of CD Album" is a marketing tool for entertainment industry, it will not die, because this...

Agree. {:8_403:}

plnl88 發表於 2013-2-8 17:42

!替天行道! 發表於 2013-2-8 17:29 static/image/common/back.gif
"Release of CD Album" is a marketing tool for entertainment industry, it will not die, because this...

Woo, awesome insight indeed c hing! {:6_193:}
am too lazy to go back to vinyl though.

!替天行道! 發表於 2013-2-8 18:13


i was born in the 80's, have always listened to vinyls as a kid because mum is a huge and super Leslie fan. however I never had the chance of touching any piece of these, so i decided to give it a try and bought a turntable last year, took out all the old vinyls and listened, not a bad experience, but still prefer cd better because it's too inconvenient. Eg. cannot repeat, skip songs, replay when finished, so i always have to get up and down to fiddle with the tonearms. i am also too lazy.

beerboy 發表於 2013-2-8 18:23

!替天行道! 發表於 2013-2-8 18:13 static/image/common/back.gif

i was born in the 80's, have always listened to vinyls as a kid because mum is a h ...

都係嫁....局你一係就成隻碟聽晒。一係就做運動去揀歌。 {:8_381:} casual listening我都ok既。但要劑劑都係咁聽就幾大獲。不過以前有d碟叫concept album,真係要你成隻碟聽晒先完整。ac/dc angus young當年反對itunes都係話d人逐隻歌買會打斷左成隻大碟既創作。所以,有d cd我都係由頭聽到尾啦。{:8_403:}

成成 發表於 2013-2-8 22:13


Wilmer威馬 發表於 2013-2-8 23:15


tomtomsuccess 發表於 2013-2-8 23:38

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2013-2-8 23:15 static/image/common/back.gif

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