Grxupon wifi sd card discount
Ching,Just want to ask any ching using this wifi SD card before?Is it useful??
{:8_387:} Thanks for sharing~{:6_193:} 聽講...........聽講炸下, 有D WIFI SD CARD裝完APPS之後既設定都好麻煩, 同埋要去佢個品牌WEBSITE登記ACCOUNT先可以用到, 我最怕咁麻煩既玩法呢~~~~ 16GB HKD$568蚊, 究竟係平定貴呢?? 出面16GB好似係咪差唔多價呢??? 小瑟 發表於 2013-2-8 17:03 static/image/common/back.gif
16GB HKD$568蚊, 究竟係平定貴呢?? 出面16GB好似係咪差唔多價呢???
Transcend 16GB Class 10 好似都唔駛$530... forumboy 發表於 2013-2-8 17:46 static/image/common/back.gif
Transcend 16GB Class 10 好似都唔駛$530...
Thanks ching... 小瑟 發表於 2013-2-8 17:02 static/image/common/back.gif
聽講...........聽講炸下, 有D WIFI SD CARD裝完APPS之後既設定都好麻煩, 同埋要去佢個品牌WEBSITE登記ACCO ...
ching, thanks for the information.
any brand is good to try???Any ching know if we can use this wifi sd connect to the NAS at home?? 呢張卡唔知有無得自己ON/OFF WIFI...定係一開機就要長開WIFI?