發表於 2013-1-28 12:33
我已經開始唔明 {:6_136:} Integrated amp同pre amp有咩分別
MM/MC又係咩? 唱盤本身唔係已經有針跟嗎?
發表於 2013-1-28 13:37
ellen 發表於 2013-1-28 11:57 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi hi Ellen,
What can I help u??ur tonearm is 9", 10" or 12"?? set alignment??set VTA?? {:6_142:}
I try my best la...
發表於 2013-1-28 13:42
mttmax 發表於 2013-1-28 12:33 static/image/common/back.gif
我已經開始唔明Integrated amp同pre amp有咩分別
MM/MC又係咩? 唱盤本身唔係已經有針跟嗎? ...
Mttmax Hing,
Can u list out ur full gear??
MM or MC is type of the cartridge.
Some vendor sell the turntable with tonearm and cartridge, some are not.
MC/MM cartridge output signal is so weak, so need a MC/MM phono amp to increase the signal voltage.
發表於 2013-1-28 14:04
fungl 發表於 2013-1-28 13:42 static/image/common/back.gif
Mttmax Hing,
Can u list out ur full gear??
我而家只係有一部Onkyo 609同5.1 喇叭
唱盤, amp, 果d一律未買
其實要求唔高, 純粹想試下聽黑膠聲如何, 唔想浪費左親戚留低既黑膠
budget希望加埋哂4k以下 (全新二手皆可), 因為要儲d換埋BD機
發表於 2013-1-28 14:09
mttmax 發表於 2013-1-28 14:04 static/image/common/back.gif
我而家只係有一部Onkyo 609同5.1 喇叭
唱盤, amp, 果d一律未買
其實要求唔高, 純粹想試下聽黑膠聲如何,...
Becoz 609 no phono input, so u need buy a phono amp, a turntable with tonearm and MM cartridge (I suggest use MM cart at beginner moment) and a pair of signal cable (for connect phono amp to 609)
發表於 2013-1-28 14:31
上網睇見AT果隻LP120幾抵, 但唔知點睇佢係MM定MC {:6_141:}
發表於 2013-1-28 15:44
fungl 發表於 2013-1-28 13:37 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi hi Ellen,
What can I help u??ur tonearm is 9", 10" or 12"?? set alignment??set VTA?? {:6_1 ...
Fungl 兄,
我支係systemdek原裝臂,我嘗試過去vinylengine揾,不過no systemdek tonearm record on the site。等我今晚返去睇睇支係幾多吋先。
請問,alignment 同 VTA係嘜野?
我記得點樣去調校成頭重量,但係就唔識調校距離。當個唱頭安裝咗上Head Shell之後,我就唔識點去調校headshell嗰個距離。而家,當支唱臂行到隻碟嘅last隻歌時,d聲就怪怪地。
發表於 2013-1-28 16:04
mttmax 發表於 2013-1-28 14:31 static/image/common/back.gif
上網睇見AT果隻LP120幾抵, 但唔知點睇佢係MM定MC
mttmax 兄,
當你買turntable時, 有d係一套買, 連唱臂,唱頭同唱頭殼(HeadShell)。
但係如果你買高級turntable時, 唱臂,唱頭就分開買。
MM定MC==>唱頭上面通常有寫 (一套買,唱頭多數都係mm頭,因為mc頭多數貴過mm頭)
但係mc頭就細緻好多同埋需要一個phone amp去放大d聲(signal voltage)。
發表於 2013-1-28 16:28
用AV amp加5.1,純想聽返d黑膠,會唔會買部黑膠友眼中既玩具盤?
發表於 2013-1-28 17:29
ckikin 發表於 2013-1-28 16:28 static/image/common/back.gif
用AV amp加5.1,純想聽返d黑膠,會唔會買部黑膠友眼中既玩具盤?
鴨記見到有款一千幾百內置放大,還可插隻手 ...
ckikin hing,
如我所以講,只有要你部amp or pre-amp 有 "phone-in" ,就無需要use phone amp。
你所以講嘅==>鴨記見到有款一千幾百內置放大,還可插隻手==>i think 係呢個phone amp with USB 係將你係turntable 經phone amp play 出嚟嘅歌 rip 成ditital format, such as mp3 store on your pc/mac
if i don't forget that amp phone should be "Pro-Ject Phono Box USB"