cambridge azur 751R
just ordered cambridge 751R, waiting for delivery 恭喜!{:6_196:} ching, how much ? 正呀! 恭喜Ching, 幾銀呀?{:6_195:} around $!@%)), compared onyko 818 and listen to pioneer Lx 56 beforefinally choose cambridge
this is the first time for me to use/listen tonon japan AV amp
PS i am using very very old denon 3802 right now biggyhk 發表於 2013-1-18 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
around $!@%)), compared onyko 818 and listen to pioneer Lx 56 before
finally choose cambridge
師兄 !@%)) 呢個價ok喎 可唔可以pm 我係邊度買同幾錢
呢隻野幾岩我心水 貪佢細細粒 容易食 唔該師兄 {:6_162:} 恭喜!{:6_195:} biggyhk 發表於 2013-1-18 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
around $!@%)), compared onyko 818 and listen to pioneer Lx 56 before
finally choose cambridge
Ching, can you PM me where you buy too ?
thanks 恭喜ching{:6_195:} c-hing, does this av amp have high presence speaker connection? 7.1 or 9.1?