heven 發表於 2013-1-17 13:25

Roksan K2 Amp 神奇自動熄機

如題, 我部機買咗半年, 一路運作正常, 我同時用AV bypass 接部yamaha AV Amp 睇戲聽收音機. 但近幾日部機用緊時突然自動熄機. 我試左好多次用remote 開咗就立即power off, 手動按mode 掣, 效果一樣. 試過disconnect power cable 都唔得, 有無師兄試過同一情況? 如果無solution 就要搬番去代理check.....{:6_191:}

cheapching 發表於 2013-1-17 13:31


vicchow 發表於 2013-1-17 14:37


sealteam4 發表於 2013-1-17 15:09


calcal 發表於 2013-1-17 15:56

先disconnect晒全部野再駁返. 只駁喇叭線同埋一個source試左先.

gv16092506 發表於 2013-1-17 18:42


ANWKLO 發表於 2013-1-17 19:19

如果不是以下兩個原因, 最好攞去大象行檢查清楚啦 {:1_245:}

*1 Over current protection

#2 Thermal over load protection

* If the current requirements of the speakers at the volume levels required surpass what we believe to be safe for the amp, then the Over Current protection will set the amp into protection mode.

# If the current/power requirements are well within the capabilities of the amp but due to lack of ventilation (for such current/power demands) the internal temperature of the amplifier rises to above the safe operating range, then the Thermal Over load protection will set the amp into protection mode.

heven 發表於 2013-1-18 01:21

cheapching 發表於 2013-1-17 13:31 static/image/common/back.gif
番去代理check啦師兄,保養期內唔使錢,記得帶買機時張發票,代理係灣仔!! ...

Thanks a lot, c hing

heven 發表於 2013-1-18 01:25

Thanks a lot, all C hing.
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