Versa 發表於 2013-1-9 20:40

換bdp 計劃一於等下先,等夏天到時情況再算
但我覺得4k 只是Blu-ray 的一個延續,真正下世代應該係8k

edlsang 發表於 2013-1-9 20:41

Versa 發表於 2013-1-9 20:40 static/image/common/back.gif
換bdp 計劃一於等下先,等夏天到時情況再算
但我覺得4k 只是Blu-ray 的一個延續,真正下世代應該係8k...


andrew_wongyk 發表於 2013-1-9 20:47

Sony 批4k乜唔係假4k咩
4k tech spec on blu ray 都未出

Zack_A 發表於 2013-1-10 13:20

家下d 電影制作商漸轉發70mm ,8k record, 4k rendering, 2k releases
3-4年就係4k 天下{:6_212:}

mcleo 發表於 2013-1-10 13:28

Blu ray 有排都唔會被取代,而家絕大部分電影都仲有VCD添。

r32 發表於 2013-1-11 01:08

本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-1-11 01:15 編輯

"Sony's commitment to bring 4K content to the home does not stop there: launching this summer will be the first 4K Ultra HD Video distribution service in the U.S. Consumers will be able to enjoy native 4K content such as feature-length movies from Sony Pictures as well as other productions with stunning picture and sound. At that time Sony will also introduce a dedicated 4K Media Player to bring this service to the home."

暫時BR業界並無4k BR規格.


"Now that Sony is bringing 4K TVs to more mainstream sizes with the launch of 55- and 65-inch models later this year, it's also expanding the availability of content. When it launched its $25,000 84-inch Ultra HD LCD last year it loaned owners a hard drive solution that came preloaded with movies, but now buyers will be able to download native 4K movies as well. According to CEO Kaz Hirai "4K is not the's now" and Sony is doing it's best to make that happen.
Also arriving on shelves are a series of "mastered in 4K" Blu-ray discs, which it promises are sourced in 1080p from their original 4K masters in high bitrate to look their best when upscaled back to 4K. The first movies up for the treatment are The Amazing Spider-Man, The Karate Kid, Taxi Driver and The Other Guys. If you've been wondering where high res content will come from then check the press release after the break, we'll get more details when they're available."

成龍大哥 發表於 2013-1-11 02:22


phi76ers 發表於 2013-1-12 17:59

唔想屋企啲blu ray 咁快變雞肋呀{:1_331:}

drawohua 發表於 2013-1-14 22:37

頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Sony 今夏於美國推 4K 影片數碼渠道 ... 使用 4K BD 光碟 (轉載)

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