生化危機 , 妖夜尋狼
先前Send e-mail 去美amazon問依兩隻碟有冇中字?(全部)仲舉埋例子!邊d有中字,邊d冇中字(網上資料)
I understand your concern regarding the Blu-rays you'd like to purchase.
I looked up "The Resident Evil Collection (Resident Evil / Resident Evil: Apocalypse / Resident Evil: Extinction / Resident Evil: Afterlife / Resident Evil: Retribution)(2012)" and found that it includes 5 discs in the Box set and has Chinese subtitle.
I also looked up "Underworld: The Legacy Collection (Underworld / Underworld: Evolution / Underworld: Rise of the Lycans / Underworld: Awakening) " and found that it includes 4 discs and has Chinese subtitle.
Please be advised all of the information available is displayed on the item's product detail page.
If you buy an item and discover it's not what you expected, you can return it for a refund via our Online Returns Center (http://www.amazon.com/returns).
I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
真費解{:1_342:} 不過我諗都係駁唔過{:1_260:} 師兄,兩套美版Boxset小弟都有,肯定唔係全部有中字!
只係得某一集有... Thx,ching。甘你買果時個網係咪寫有中字呀 個網梗係唔會隻隻寫到明有中文字幕...{:1_330:} pigwong 發表於 2013-1-5 02:37 static/image/common/back.gif
冇呀師兄,拎上手睇個盒背面標籤先知 比佢咁誤導真係無計,寄返比佢又蝕運費!