portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-4 19:32

求救!! 請指點迷津!! 關於電源和火牛接駁

應該掂駁呢?!   一萬個唔該!

I have 3 same brand but different watt transformers which I will connect them to provide power to my DAC.

Please take a look of the pictures.

Thank you

portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-4 22:27

I think I solve the question.Beacuse 2=L and B=L, so my solution should be 2->B, A->X, 2->Y, 1->接機殼 .Hope I am correct.   If not, Oh my GOD!!! HAHA!

billymud 發表於 2013-1-4 22:58

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-1-4 23:03 編輯

portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-4 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
I think I solve the question.Beacuse 2=L and B=L, so my solution should be 2->B, A->X, 2->Y, 1->接 ...

short the violet and grey (lines) on each the transformer, to make it operating at 220Vac.

portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-4 23:56


portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-5 00:00


Sorry, I was wrong.You are correct!! {:1_347:}

portlandpsu 發表於 2013-1-5 03:05

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查看完整版本: 求救!! 請指點迷津!! 關於電源和火牛接駁

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