Pls help for play ISO file using the Oppo 103
All steps have been followed the AVBUZZ to do, using Oppo 103 I can find the files and virtual drive of the computer and can play all the muisc files, however I cannot play the ISO file when linked with the BDFed Virtual Drive. Anybody can tell me what happen???I use the DVD BDFad Media play software it can play the ISO movie when linked with BDFed Virtual Drive in the computer.
I can select the virtual drive in the network of the Oppo and then Oppo display will show items 1 and 2 (but not 3 or 4) with time (around 30sec) when selected the virtual drive and then stopped, but the TV has nothing to show, why??
Using Window XP system. using wifi or lan connection ? Both I tried bbmagic 發表於 2012-12-23 16:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Both I tried
so it is ok for sharing folder ,but mounted iso in virtual drive ? Yes and the ISP file was mounted the virtual drive, however still cannot Mount 起隻iso後仲要個share 名改做AVCHD 先可比103讀起. ching起碼讀到,我share左改埋名,唔知點解部機搵唔到 本帖最後由 bbmagic 於 2012-12-24 12:58 編輯
myblue 發表於 2012-12-24 09:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Mount 起隻iso後仲要個share 名改做AVCHD 先可比103讀起.
Yes, the BDFed Virtual Drive was rename to AVCHD and the TV show the name is AVCHD in the OPPO share,
So I can select the virtual drive in the network of the Oppo and then Oppo display will show items 1 and 2 (but no 3 or 4) with time (around 30sec) when selected the virtual drive and then it will be stopped, nothing to shnow on the TV
當我於OPPO Share 選擇了AVCHD file (已掛電影) ,OPPO機的Display 會出1然後數30秒後跳去2再數3-5秒就停止,但在這35秒時間內電視是冇片睇的,So what can I do coolpan 發表於 2012-12-24 09:58 static/image/common/back.gif
You need to modify the network of the computer and file change to share
另想問可否用2.5” 手提Harddisk入 Virtual Drive and ISO file然後可否USB直入OPPO 103到play ISO file