Andyl 發表於 2012-12-23 00:26





“Say hi. This is Scarlet, and she’s a stunt cow.” So after I’ve seen all the parents, I ask them to stay, because I have a demonstration for them.

“We are gonna show you a little story about beef.” Most people are really not aware about where their food comes from. Because it’s so highly packaged, mass produced. So I wanna do this demonstration to get the parents thinking: Where does my food come from? And where does my kids’ food come from?

“I’m gonna show you all the price of this cow. And this part here, is worth about 30 bucks. This part here…” The whole point of about having a live cow here, was to show people, you know, where they can navigate toward their favorite cuts. When people know where the animal comes from, you know, they start being a bit more choosy.

“This is the retail value for those areas: filet, sirloin, rib eyes. The public loved seeing that, that equaling steak. They never for a minute thought I would clear all the meat and cuts away, and introduce them to a new world of food. It’s called PinkSlime.”

“So guys, why am I doing all these? Did you come here for a meat lesson today? No.” When you’ve broken down the whole beast, you are left with trimmings. You know, in my industry we call those trimmings: ****. “Get rid of the ****.”

“Or the bits, there are no one wants: the bits of senior, the bits of meat, the bits that can’t be turned into a cut. You are not a vegetarian, aren’t you?”

“I’m a vegan.”

“Yeah, sorry. You know, the butcher, Dan, you pay to get this away, yeah?”


“In this form, this is inedible. Why? Because this is the outside of the main, from the cavity where the guts are. It’s full of anything from salmonella, e coli and different stuff like that. Tell these people where the trim goes.”

“It, uh, goes to a rendering plant, where they make chicken food, dog food.”

“Okay, this is not fit for human consumption. Why is it good for dog food? Because dog’s got a more efficient stomach that can handle these stuff. But what would you think if I told you: in America, they have come up with a piece of technology that can turn this into something that ends up in your school food?”

Pinkslime is allowed in any school in America by the USDA. “So, first thing first, this is how I imaging the process to be. Over here, I have a, so many probably know well, that I will put it in the washing machine. But they take those trimmings, full stuffed with what Dan pay to taken away. They put it into a centralfuge. And they spin it. Now what does that do? It splits the fat from the meat, and separates it. So then you end up with stuff like this. I want you take a good look at this, since it’s important that you can see this stuff. And you right now, with all the very very last bits of meat.”

“So what they do is fascinating. And to me as a chef and a food lover, it’s shocking. You probably got one of these cupboards, probably under the sink, with a chain lock. And in that, it’s gonna be where you hold all your house chemicals, stuff that you don’t want your kids get in their hands on it. The key ingredient in the process is ammonia. We are gonna wash these bits of beef that we’ve spun around there… and add water and ammonia solution. I don’t know how much, and the water with a specific ratio. But basically they wash this meat. And that kills e coli and salmonella and any kind of pathogens.”

“So then we drain it. We drain it and then we mince it. So basically, we are taking the products that would be sold as the cheapest food for dogs and after this process, we can give it to human. Mince this for me, my friend. Hamburgers, chillis, chop steaks, tacos.”

I haven’t got anything against the burger. I eat them and I love them. What I have a problem is: What is inside it? Where did it come from?

“They look familiar now?”


“Okay, lovely people, if you’ve got a pile of regular ground meat, and you wanted to stretch further. You are allowed up to 15% of these products in any patty, in any mince meat. So basically, they want me to tell you it’s the instant thinner. Can you imagine how happy that accountant is? You’ve just turned dog food into potentially your kids’ food. But the other thing is, the USDA, who are employed to protect you people have made it legal to not have to register on any form of labeling, the ammonia.”

They say that it’s the process, not the ingredient. And they publicly say PinkSlime is safe to eat. You know, this is the practice that is openly sort of made, to be in at least 70% of ground beef products. That kind of puts it everywhere. “So Dan, you’ve been a butcher for 50 years. How did you feel about that?”

“Uh, I don’t like it.”

“The thing is, guys, the support of this product would say: safe and efficient. But everything about this process to me is about no respect for food, or people, or children. And I wanna know when I’m eating this stuff, and I want it clearly labeled. And at the moment, there’s nothing on your labeling that would let you know that you are eating this stuff. Now does that make you feel protected?”


“Do you feel that any part of this clever, scientific process involves any respect?”


“Do you want it feeds your children?”


Normally when I highlight something, my job is to give you a solution. The only solution I can give you, is the only way you can use ground beef, is by watching the butcher grind it, in front of you, which they would do. But that’s a real pain in the back though.

“Thank you, and uh, stick up for me guys. I need your help.”

teddyng637 發表於 2012-12-23 01:16

睇落幾恐怖 {:6_200:}{:6_200:}

12lui12 發表於 2012-12-23 02:10


cat35a 發表於 2012-12-23 08:10


dragonyam 發表於 2012-12-23 09:57


firelun 發表於 2012-12-24 02:17

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查看完整版本: 這樣的漢堡牛肉你敢吃嗎?

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