貯存及讀取音檔的硬件想請教各ching 們,貯存及讀取音檔的硬件放在傳統摩打的hard disk 同放在SSD 、save card 或ram drive 上,
THX. 聽好多人講SSD係最好,我就玩唔起!我只係用緊傳統摩打的hard disk同手指,唸兩樣喺我套玩具唔覺有咩分別!!!{:9_436:} if you put it in your NAS, it should not be any difference.
if its in your PC, I "guess" it will be a little, 'cause motor will generate a bit of noise, both electric & audio-able noise, but whether you can really hear the difference, a big big question mark.