itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-15 00:03



其實我聽說過既純銀線有:Jisen, Mundorf, Mcap 請問Ching重有咩牌子?去到幾純?(99%2N定4N?)
我相信各有各好;但小弟想知道有冇話邊隻比咩用?我指係咩牌子善於聲(2ch? RCA or XLR,內接線)或畫或聲畫?它們都係AV訉號...
順便問埋邊度有純銀買,有冇website link提供?
好多問題...哈哈...相信76依度DIY神手聖手Ching們, c fu 可賜教賜教... {:6_162:}
最后,因純銀做得長都好銀貴,其實有冇Ching做過實驗到幾多% (e.g. 10%, 20%, 40%, 50%, 80%, 99%, 99.99%)就夠呢?當然剩餘既最好係純銅,OCC銅啦.
Merry Xmas!{:6_225:} {:6_226:} {:6_227:}

P.S. 點解Mundorf叫金銀潤???{:6_229:}

loklok31 發表於 2012-12-15 00:22


wll1234 發表於 2012-12-15 00:53

本帖最後由 wll1234 於 2012-12-15 00:58 編輯

mundorf silver gold wire为什么会有金银的名称是因为是由
99% 的银,还有 1%的金组成
银的纯度有min. 99.97% typ. 99.99%
金的纯度也有min. 99.97% typ. 99.99%
Insulation test voltage 2 500V DC
Max. operating voltage 250V AC

对于mundorf silver gold wire个人十分满意,我用在av amp iec connect 上,改后〉音场变阔,高中低音变多乘次也饱满
可以用于interconnect cable,power cable,speaker cable, and earphone cable

mundorf silver gold wire有3种
0.5mm = 24awg
1.0mm = 18awg
1.5mm = 15awg

不过现在个人推荐duelund,因为。。。。。。。40% offer !!!!!

kmr 發表於 2012-12-15 01:46

本帖最後由 kmr 於 2012-12-15 01:48 編輯

OCC, Ohno Continuous Casting,
單晶銅, 有網頁話純度達到99.9999%

A couple of years later the "nines" race began. This refers to how many times the number "9" can be
repeated when specifying a metal's purity. The prime contaminants in very high purity (99.997% pure,
four nines) copper are silver, iron and sulfur, along with smaller amounts of antimony, aluminum and
arsenic. The purity of OCC Copper can reach up to 99.9999% and even higher

But with OFHC and OCC, the nomenclature "six nines" or "eight nines" has almost no meaning. All else
being equal, higher purity is a straight forward benefit. However, grain structure, softness and surface
finish can each make more difference than a "nine"or two. Then there is the matter of measurable
purity. Due to contamination caused by the measuring process, there is a serious question as to whether
any metal can be verified as having greater than six nines purity. Also, since "nines" became a selling
point, some quite absurd and dubious claims have been made.

不過佢話幾多N 係冇意思
其實OCC 好係好,但都好睇線的結構


itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-15 02:34

loklok31 發表於 2012-12-15 00:22 static/image/common/back.gif

咁都得?個d係for 手飾架?{:6_141:}

itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-15 02:37

wll1234 發表於 2012-12-15 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
mundorf silver gold wire为什么会有金银的名称是因为是由
99% 的银,还有 1%的金组成
银的纯度有min. 99.9 ...

Ching, thanks for your sharing! {:6_178:}


itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-15 02:38

kmr 發表於 2012-12-15 01:46 static/image/common/back.gif
OCC, Ohno Continuous Casting,
單晶銅, 有網頁話純度達到99.9999%

kmr Ching, thanks {:6_182:}

szetojason 發表於 2012-12-15 02:49

oyaide 910係5N銀W0,另外neotech 1001係

plnl88 發表於 2012-12-15 03:31

szetojason 發表於 2012-12-15 02:49 static/image/common/back.gif
oyaide 910係5N銀W0,另外neotech 1001係

1001 重係方芯添。{:6_138:}

itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-15 08:15

plnl88 发表于 2012-12-15 03:31static/image/common/back.gif
szetojason 發表於 2012-12-15 02:49      
oyaide 910係5N銀W0,另外neotech 1001係
1001 重係方芯添。...

1001 係OCC制?
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