andy04665547 發表於 2012-12-12 23:01


   小弟而家係用緊SA11S2 直出AMP

   因為碟太多開始覺得煩, 單純CAS 又好似太多變數了



   2.接駁是這樣嗎?      NAS -> NETWORK PLAYER ->AMP ?   NAS -> NETWORK PLAYER ->DAC ->AMP ??

   4.如果要DSD, NAS什麼的需要支援??(當DAC已支援)


chhanthony 發表於 2012-12-13 00:43

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2012-12-13 00:44 編輯

要dsd唔玩pc mac 同linux呢部啱你玩

obee 發表於 2012-12-13 09:04

Actually you have a lot of choices, but frankly, CAS brings you easier organization of CD albums but it also brings new problems:
1. At same price range, sound quality usually a bit "flat" than a typical CDP (compare to those CDPs over 15k HKD)
2. More cables and more time spent to make it sound close to CDP.
However, I still recommend you add or switch to network player world.

To play network player, you just need:
1. Source (NAS for example)

2. Player that can read source, via
2.1-network cable, or
2.2-USB port

3. Depends on the DAC you choose, you can choose one
3.1-with network port input, and output analog signal
3.2-with USB port input, and output analog signal
3.3-with network port input, output digital signal (AES / Coaxial / TSOLINK / I2S), then goes to a DAC, and output analog signal

For case 3.1, it is simplest and that means it leaves you least room for fine tuning
For case 3.3, it requires more devices, but also means more fun and alternative in selection of DAC because you not necessary to find a USB DAC. That also means more room for fine tuning
Case 3.2 is in the middle.

obee 發表於 2012-12-13 09:11

Lot of! I don't want to name some and skip some that are also very very good. However, I would like to give you some advice in selection (not necessary in order of importance):
1. Buy second hand usually higher c/p
2. Prepare budget for cables like USB and XLR/RCA, or even CAT7 LAN Cable (if you are using network player)
3. Although it seems too technical, it is nice to look into the circuit design like:
3.1-Separation of power supply on digital and analog circuits (because digital side may pollute the analog side if they share the same power supply circuity)
3.2-Linear power supply usually better than switching power supply for DACs 20k or below
3.3-DAC chip controls 70% of taste of sound, but sound quality highly affected by the design (e.g. the choice of other electronic components, the power supply) not just the DAC chip it uses.

obee 發表於 2012-12-13 09:16

4.如果要DSD, NAS什麼的需要支援??(當DAC已支援)
As I know, there's a solution that transmit DSD data stream over USB interface by packing the DSD signal into PCM packet, this is called DoP (version 1.0 now)

On NAS, there's no special requirement. What I know is requirement on "player". Most players can't support DoP out of the box, like foobar, you needs to add some plug-in to make it work. Some player can support DoP, such as recent version of MPD:

itoy2008 發表於 2012-12-13 10:07

v nice advice ^^

andy04665547 發表於 2012-12-13 13:32

kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-12-13 09:04 static/image/common/back.gif
Actually you have a lot of choices, but frankly, CAS brings you easier organization of CD albums but ...

多謝師兄解答先 {:8_387:}


1.PC (OR NAS)->WIFI->NETWORKPLAYER (E.G. Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6) 光纖->DAC->AMP

2.PC (OR NAS)->CAT5->NETWORKPLAYER (E.G. Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6) 光纖->DAC->AMP

3.PC(OR NAS)-(CAT5)->NETWORKPLAYER(E.G. Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6) ->AMP




rklpoon 發表於 2012-12-13 13:54

kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-12-13 09:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Lot of! I don't want to name some and skip some that are also very very good. However, I would like ...

Can you name some popular dacs and their audio signatures? Thanks.{:6_162:}

Now using usb hdd --->Logitech sbt ----> Anthem mrx700 (dac inside), itchy to upgrade to a dac, prefer to have xlr/coaxial/usb/inputs, have xlr/RCA outputs and can be used as a pre-amp, any suggestion pls(2nd hand OK, budget below 10k)? Thanks a lot.

chhanthony 發表於 2012-12-13 14:53

rklpoon 發表於 2012-12-13 13:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Can you name some popular dacs and their audio signatures? Thanks.

Now using usb hdd -- ...

如果係玩SBT就唔好晒咗佢個usb async功能,將啲source放喺NAS,
但usb留返做data output,直接買隻行XMOS usb chip (DacMagic Plus, Benchmark DAC2, Anedio D2,etc)。

chhanthony 發表於 2012-12-13 14:57

andy04665547 發表於 2012-12-13 13:32 static/image/common/back.gif



至於係2定3就睇下部Magic stream份解碼好定係部DAC好

4 就睇下你部NAS個music software功力如何

但Magic Stream係唔support DSD的。
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查看完整版本: 想玩NETWORK PLAYER ,好迷惘

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