請教Oppo 103同105的用家
有無試過用Oppo 105/103用播BD.iso嘅方法(mount個iso喺個virtual driver)去Play sacd iso? OT : sacd iso點整架{:9_419:} minimoai 發表於 2012-12-11 18:16 static/image/common/back.gifOT : sacd iso點整架
http://www.hd.club.tw/thread-113007-1-1.html an answer from Computer Audiophile forum
TarnishedEars : "No you can't. AN SACD ISO is a byte for byte representation of what is on the SACD disk. It is not strictly a file system like CD, DVD, Blu-ray. It cannot be mounted as a disc or treated as a file structure by an operating system. Of course it can be read by custom software since the layout of the disc follows a prescribed pattern and parsed out into files but an SACD ISO is not in the same category as a CD, DVD or Blu-ray ISO."