緊急求救!拖版PROTECTION ON 燈著左!用唔到!
緊急求救!拖版PROTECTION ON 燈著左!用唔到!剛才關電總制再開返後個拖版死左!見PROTECTION ON 燈著左!
冇reset制? 剛看了我隻"怪獸"拖板呢眼燈是長著{:1_352:} 玩機基本動作…拔蘇頭,做咗未?係咪有保險制要捻捻佢呀。 本帖最後由 billymud 於 2012-12-6 23:51 編輯
1. unplug all appliances from 個拖版
2. power off the electricity supply to 個拖版
3. wait for 5~10 minutes
4. re-power 個拖版
5. back to normal ?
6. reconnect all appliances, one by one.
remark: 個拖版"protection ON" might be due to Surge Current overlimit.What're those appliances connected before ? billymud 發表於 2012-12-6 23:50 static/image/common/back.gif
1. unplug all appliances from 個拖版
2. power off the electricity supply to 個拖版
3. wait for 5~10...
http://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=99865&highlight=Hts1000 too bad !design problem.
be reminded that if many appliances using switching power supplies were connected to 個拖版,make sure you unplug some of them before you 關電總制再開 !The reason being too much surge current when the appliances are power-on "within the same instant". The surge current will damage or trap Protector.It's known that the Surge Current of a 150 watt switching power supply could be as high as 80Amp. billymud 發表於 2012-12-7 00:28 static/image/common/back.gif
too bad !design problem.
be reminded that if many appliances using switching power supplies were...
總之我以後唔會再買MONSTER既任何產品,好明顯個拖板設計存在問題,但佢地仍然照賣! tennishk 發表於 2012-12-7 08:41 static/image/common/back.gif
總之我以後唔會再買MONSTER既任何產品,好明顯個拖板設計存在問題,但佢地仍然照賣! ...
以後唔用咁大煲,喎仲用緊呀{:6_192:} 關一關大制就死得{:6_200:}{:6_200:}