Sunfire sds10問題
本帖最後由 joejoehong 於 2012-12-4 01:27 編輯各ching我終於買左喇,但我係初哥唔係好識set好佢,請各方ching教下我,我廳約100呎十仔放前方,係用衛星喇叭,十仔同822k amp都唔識setting,同埋我想問下sds10可唔可以set到好似打心口嘅感覺{:1_347:}thx 我諗ching首先要插支amp跟機附送的咪做返個auto setting先, 之後前,中,後罝set做"small" (若行咗auto setting後已設定系small就冇問題), 十仔看看系咪"on"。amp個crossover set 做80-100hz, 十仔個phase set 做0(若你個十仔向正皇帝位)。
以上是最基本的setting方法,ching可試試先 Sunfire 唔打心口架喎... {:6_188:} Ching, you use the same set of sunfire subwoofer and amplifier as i did. I know dont i set it correctly. But during the auto tuning, i see the subwoofer to highest frequency and use the amplier to determine the crossover frequency. sunfire 唔打心口的 打心口要用JL110 或 DD10 多謝各ching比我意見,但我最後換左隻hrs10仔 好左好多喇thx大家 Set 得好,底頻的包圍感及下潛都好正架! 其實好多師兄係setting時忽略左調整距離....... quntinchan 發表於 2012-12-18 12:18 static/image/common/back.gif
其實距離應該點搞, 我用auto setting 的設定比實際多了成一米,請問是否正確? 多謝指教