ha ha, I want to know too. So far, besides Toys&Rus, those big super-stores have most of them. but I ...
ching 油麻地(現時點)好多款、好多間都有得賣{:6_142:}
edward760914 發表於 2012-11-29 22:12 static/image/common/back.gif
ching 油麻地(現時點)好多款、好多間都有得賣
thank you thank you, let's try tomorrow. never get up into that "mall" before.
Lego Lam
地址: 佐敦 柯士甸道152號 好兆年行 14樓 1414室. Open on Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri and Sat 2:30-7 PM. Close on Wed, sunday and all public holidays.
可到雅虎香港找賣家 sklaaron 即 Lam's Lego的貨品,Bid 完上去交收,曾買 10218 Pet Shop 只是$1199 呢。
{:6_211:} 平日起碼下午4點後,因大多老闆有其他工