synology vs qnap
how to choose? any ching has comment? Synology comes with user friendly interface, easy to setup. I being a DS1512 user around 6 months, so far so good. 本帖最後由 pac 於 2012-11-26 06:36 編輯lego_cyris 發表於 2012-11-26 03:51 static/image/common/back.gif
Synology comes with user friendly interface, easy to setup. I being a DS1512 user around 6 months, s ...
我也是用synology很方便及好用 多謝ching意見. 心儀DS212J, 平時睇下相,聽下歌,做下backup,我諗應該夠。其他會唔會就出213j架? Synology. 我 setup 過 3 隻. 非常咁易用. Qnap TS 212 我自己覺得setup非常咁易{:6_183:}
本身都諗住synology DS212J 不過見差不多野但qnap平d所以買左qnap{:8_394:}
I bought synology ds212 but not have time set it up. any Ching have reference 分享下? 不過好似synology多人用D,同個firmware會update快D。。。 qnap firmware 3.8 very good, suggest it matthew17 發表於 2013-1-6 20:01 static/image/common/back.gif
qnap firmware 3.8 very good, suggest it
which qnap model you are using ar?