objective 發表於 2012-11-20 02:03

[Project 150] - Optoma HD33 x 150" screen

本帖最後由 objective 於 2012-11-20 02:14 編輯

- Optoma HD33 x 150" screen

Project 150 - I just purchased an Optoma HD33 and plan to use it to play Bluray 3D movies. Here is my installation plan-

I have 3 months to complete this Project. Please help-

[*]Please comment on the above plan. E.g. viewing distance, viewing height, height of the screen, ergonomics
[*]Do I need a higher gain screen? 1.5? 1.8?
[*]Which screen brand? I am considering Grandview, JK, Da-lite. And approx. how much does it cost?
[*]Which Projector mount? Wall mount or ceiling mount?
[*]The packaged size of the screen is over 4m long. Stairs and Lift won't fit. Do you know which furniture moving company can haul the screen to about 18/F from Ground floor? and how much?

Thanks a lot. It is my first time buying projector!
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