sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 17:52

測試机就預咗多bug, 咪太認真{:6_183:}

myblue 發表於 2012-11-21 20:53

估下A400會唔會好似A300一樣, 話無BD full menu, 不過就真有full menu?

sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 21:57

估到冇奬, 但實有menu

sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 22:01

不如估下Total Recall Cinavia protect 會唔會係A-400上全面静音??{:6_141:}

myblue 發表於 2012-11-21 23:23

sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 22:01 static/image/common/back.gif
不如估下Total Recall Cinavia protect 會唔會係A-400上全面静音??

唔會, A400都無攞BD license, 所以spec上講冇full BD menu (實際上唔知會唔會出故畫).唔攞BD license, 就無必要做cinavia protection. 就係咁簡單.

sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 23:43

Sxny呢鋪有殺错冇放過, 連blu ray机play disc都死, 得PS3冇事, 係一啲都唔簡單...

myblue 發表於 2012-11-22 07:31

sero3 發表於 2012-11-21 23:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Sxny呢鋪有殺错冇放過, 連blu ray机play disc都死, 得PS3冇事, 係一啲都唔簡單...

唔明,買返黎嘅BD disk放入Sxny BDP到,都受到cinavia 影響? 唔係瓜? 呢個有違cinavia 原意。除非隻BD disk 唔係原裝碟,而係backup 之後嘅碟。

sero3 發表於 2012-11-22 16:02

奇怪, 以為你已經知??

myblue 發表於 2012-11-22 16:42

本帖最後由 myblue 於 2012-11-22 16:45 編輯

sero3 發表於 2012-11-22 16:02 static/image/common/back.gif
奇怪, 以為你已經知?? ...

As my question raised on another thread, I doubt the truth of such cinavia protection on the new bought & legal BD diskette.

To be honest, I went through the threads again but I couldn't find any obvious indication of such cinavia protection issue from original BD disk. They did mention about the out sync issue of the HD sound track. However, bad quality of sound track leading to missing audio doesn't mean we have cinavia protection issue on the diskette. If cinavia happens, there must have a screen showing the cinavia warning message. Currently, I don't see any Ching mentioned on this message on their thread complaining the out sync audio track.

sero3 發表於 2012-11-22 16:51

Someone wrote this right under your post


And seems involved retail HK & US Disc version... and main stream blu ray machines too{:6_206:}
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