lampard 發表於 2014-5-13 10:13


hifiduck 發表於 2014-5-13 20:46

lampard 發表於 2014-5-13 10:13 static/image/common/back.gif

識貨!「如果沒有你」是我的最愛!! {:1_264:}

阿正 發表於 2014-5-17 07:48

lampard 發表於 2014-5-13 10:13 static/image/common/back.gif

good wor

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-19 21:27

本帖最後由 cwyip 於 2014-5-19 23:05 編輯


ernietse 發表於 2014-5-20 00:10

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-19 21:27 static/image/common/back.gif

nice, I Like PP & M a lot! can you show us inside the vinyl label?

I like the WB logo a lot, thank you!{:1_254:}

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-20 00:24

ernietse 發表於 2014-5-20 00:10 static/image/common/back.gif
nice, I Like PP & M a lot! can you show us inside the vinyl label?

I like the WB logo a lot, tha ...

Wb logo 來 白色嗰隻歌仔好聽D另一隻就有名曲blowin in the wind but 其餘歌就普通

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-20 00:27


ernietse 發表於 2014-5-20 00:37

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2014-5-20 12:35 編輯

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-20 00:27 static/image/common/back.gif

thank you for your quick posting!{:1_249:}

so the japan CD reissue really follows the old LP label!{:1_264:}

I have so many PPM CD, but I don't have that ALBUM 1700, is there any good songs not on compilation?

cwyip 發表於 2014-5-20 00:57

本帖最後由 cwyip 於 2014-5-20 00:58 編輯

比你look look {:6_174:} 吾洗客氣{:1_351:}

ernietse 發表於 2014-5-20 01:01

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2014-5-20 01:14 編輯

TOKIMEKI NI SHISU 1984 soundtracks composed by OSAMU SHIOMURA{:1_326:}

this is a great soundtrack but not reissue in CD yet{:1_255:}

but the movie is 第一代無厘頭, if you like KENJI SAWADA, you will like the movie anyway{:1_333:}
頁: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 [31] 32 33
查看完整版本: 你今日聽左啲乜 (黑膠) LP 呢, 曬一曬啦! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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