ASUS N16 普通野, 你用Linksys EA4500 Wireless Router 450M+450M 2.4,5G Router+AE3000 450M USB Receiver(5G Connecion) , 我而家Broadband用 300M, Ofca Check Lan當然有 270m左近, Wireless有 130M, 巳非常快. 你部wifi router 附近有冇d舊wifi 802.11b之類嘅器材一齊用?試下將個wifi set 死去802.11n, lan 線一般穩定性比較高d, wifi 好睇環境, 行lan 線一般100m 內都相差無幾 What is the distance between the router and the PC/wireless devices? siuyuho 發表於 2012-11-22 17:58 static/image/common/back.gif
What is the distance between the router and the PC/wireless devices?
如果部PC係行實線, 個距離會係大概90~100m, 如果係Wifi就复雜d, 要睇行a,b,g,n...仲要係有冇嘢阻, 兼個發射火數幾多Watt, 又要週圍多唔多發射器係同一radio channel內, 又或者有冇干擾大嘅電器係附近... 總之麻煩多多.不過如果所有都最理想狀況下, 係可以參考下面條URL嘅數據, 當止止咳.