Reading vs Arsenal (Capital One Cup)
Reading 5-7 Arsenal, (Capital One Cup) @Madejski Stadium{:6_181:} 心血少啲都頂唔順,場波冇睇,但入球真係好刺激喎! 好刺激呀 The main point is -----------------------------------------------> WIN!!!Yeah Yeah Yeah!!{:6_236:} Any C-Hing know where can find the video of this match??{:8_387:} fungl 發表於 2012-10-31 09:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Any C-Hing know where can find the video of this match??
AJI0F9mBISU 往往聯賽杯班後備都會打出水準 {:6_193:} 唔怪之得之前個D賽事入咁少波, 原來雲加咁醒識得收起D識入波同識助攻既人 {:6_176:}
真係想像唔到今場最主要既入波同助攻功臣禾仔, 沙皇同查馬克就係1月清洗目標.
可能雲加好開心佢地今場有咁好表現, 可以賣高D價錢 {:6_152:} 高斯尼今場D防守真系得好差
睇返查馬克兩球入波,射得都好靚吖!其實點都要比D機會佢系聯賽上陣掛 (始終基奧特,謝雲奴現時的表現未有說服力) raymond430 發表於 2012-10-31 12:45 static/image/common/back.gif
Thank you Raymond Hing!!{:9_409:}