wifi 版ipad忽然間連結唔到wifi
本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2012-10-30 21:19 編輯請問咩原因呢? wireless router 死咗.{:1_339:} iPad 壞佐? 其實喺個囡部ipad同iPhone connect唔到wifi, 但好奇怪其他人地嘅wifi就search到喎!但更奇怪我同老婆部iPhone ipad notebook又connect到wifi無問題, 個囡果兩部機都jb無up iOS 6!仲有一樣更奇怪,iPhone share出黎嘅wifi佢又search到兼connect到,問你死未 試下將部ipad soft reset, 唔得再hard reset(不過hard reset會將某d configuration 洗佐: 好wifi, 3G network...) 請問soft reset同hard reset既意思係........ Soft reset
1. 㩒住個 sleep/wake button 直至有個slider 出現
2. Drag 個slider
3. 再㩒住個sleep/wake button 直至個萍果icon 出現(boot 機)
Hard reset (真係要諗清楚,This will erase everything off the device and start you off fresh)
㩒住兩個掣: sleep/wake 同home一齊十秒鐘,萍果icon 出現。
myblue 發表於 2012-10-31 11:31 static/image/common/back.gif
Soft reset
1. 㩒住個 sleep/wake button 直至有個slider 出現
收到!many thanks!!! Hope that can help.I used to kick start soft reset when problem stayed but did try a hard reset once in a Wifi/3G problem year ago. myblue 發表於 2012-10-31 15:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Hope that can help.I used to kick start soft reset when problem stayed but did try a hard reset on ...
會試試soft reset先,不過估計似係個router問題多d!所以都會試試reset埋個router
anyway many thanks!!!!!