白痴SACD player setup 問題
剛入咗部Cambridge 651BD, 想試下用coaxial 出DAC 播SACD. 但係掂set 都無聲,但係hdmi 又得喎。唔通coaxial 係唔得 {:6_162:} 有冇係BDP輸出設定更改呢? tennishk 發表於 2012-10-28 23:58 static/image/common/back.gif有冇係BDP輸出設定更改呢?
Thanks 先。
但是邊part 改乜?當然我試過將sacd output mode change to cd mode,instead of stereo or multichannel 會有聲,但是變咗cd 羅。 乜dac?{:8_399:} 冇理由會冇聲 {:6_198:} 有冇試過係BDP到聲音輸出set吾係用HDMl Extracted from WWW.
For Hi-Res SACD playback in its purest form - Multichannel Analog outputs is by far the best way.
You can use Co-Ax to get 2-channel output from Hybrid SACDs but that's CD quality sound, not Hi-Res.
One cannot output SACD over any other standard digital output other than HDMI as it is proscribed by SACD licensing. The only standard option is analog.
No player can pass SACD/DVD-A through a coax or optical digital cable. Not enough bandwidth.
HDMI is the only way to send it out RAW. 一係用RCA喺部BD651解碼後出analog
一係用HDMI將DSD傳畀一部可以解DSD嘅解碼或AMP 規格上嘅限制, 同軸/光纖係播唔到DSD layer, 所以唔會有聲. 播CD layer嘅話當然會有聲. chhanthony 發表於 2012-10-29 07:55 static/image/common/back.gif
一係用HDMI將DSD傳畀一部可以解DSD嘅解碼或AMP ...
Was trying to avoid using the analog output, but seems like don't have a choice lu...
Surely won't buy a HDMI DAC for this la, my current cheap cheap AV AMP is even worse than RCA analog output. So, let see.