来自: Post76 玩樂網 iPhone客户端 mantam121 發表於 2012-10-28 16:35 static/image/common/back.gif
"FRONT 同CENTER 做80HZ, SURROUND 做150HZ."係講喇叭由幾多Hz以下嫁低頻就交比Sub仔出.你找下Speaker Se ...
Ching 咁樣請問是不是所有surround, back surround or front high,
如果用衛星speaker都是一般set 150Hz,
如果用書架speaker都是一般set 80Hz-120Hz
thanks mantam ching sunny.hung 發表於 2012-10-29 23:00 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching 咁樣請問是不是所有surround, back surround or front high,
如果用衛星speaker都是一般set 150Hz ...
一般都無錯,不過都要睇番隻喇叭個spec,以我為例,我前中置用MK750就set80Hz,後面四隻OS3就set120Hz I use floor stand front speakers and I set them all to small. The woofer of floor stand speaker consumed more power from your amp.Set it to small if you got no additional power amp.