35ti 發表於 2012-10-27 00:10

dIRE sTRAITS - Brothers in Arms 的 5個版本

不知不覺,多年來共買了 dIRE sTRAITS - Brothers in Arms
1) xrcd2
2) USA remaster
4) SHM-CD xrcd2
6) missing.....

guly 發表於 2012-10-27 03:14

{:6_193:} {:6_193:}

jason1969 發表於 2012-10-27 09:00

DIRE STRAITS 一流超正{:6_193:}

audionewhand 發表於 2012-10-27 10:51

我曾經擁有法國銀圈, XRCD2, SHM-CD, 現在只留下西德銀圈及SACD, that's enough!{:1_351:}

ckw3031 發表於 2012-10-27 16:43

audionewhand 發表於 2012-10-27 10:51 static/image/common/back.gif
我曾經擁有法國銀圈, XRCD2, SHM-CD, 現在只留下西德銀圈及SACD, that's enough!


audionewhand 發表於 2012-10-27 17:08

ckw3031 發表於 2012-10-27 16:43 static/image/common/back.gif

Ching, I don't bid CD on eBay for the past 3-4 years.I try my luck on Amazon or local 2nd-hand shops instead.

Asia people (remember, this is not limited to mainland people) are particularly crazy with early pressings (no matter pops or classical) now.They've too much money to compete with the other bidders......Anyway, it depends how much you're afford to pay.

The price of these early pressings only getting higher and higher as time goes by, because we are not the only interested-parties, but also the followers across the world.

audionewhand 發表於 2012-10-27 17:12

ckw3031 發表於 2012-10-27 16:43 static/image/common/back.gif

Also, you have chance to bid it only if the seller offers international postage.Some sellers will never ship items out of their countries because of postal issue or other reasons.

ckw3031 發表於 2012-10-27 17:16

audionewhand 發表於 2012-10-27 17:08 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching, I don't bid CD on eBay for the past 3-4 years.I try my luck on Amazon or local 2nd-hand s ...

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