odysseyhk 發表於 2013-7-28 21:00

本帖最後由 odysseyhk 於 2013-8-10 23:30 編輯

"等同問個地盒MAX可以食到幾多A電, 要搵儀器度囉~"

Good question.如果唔知道,就只能當飛水綫般看待.有冇人有地盒spec ?


一就係接地盒唔接真地, 二就係接地盒然後接真地, 師兄是否有其他更好方法 而無需二揀其一?

是否我想錯, 地盒只供機身接地? 電源綫水線不接地盒而是接 wall socket?

angllewave 發表於 2013-7-29 00:52

本帖最後由 angllewave 於 2013-7-29 19:44 編輯

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-7-28 21:00 static/image/common/back.gif
"等同問個地盒MAX可以食到幾多A電, 要搵儀器度囉~"

Good question.如果唔知道,就只能當飛水綫般看待.   ...

>是否我想錯, 地盒只供機身接地? 電源綫水線不接地盒而是接 wall socket?

係,飛地線而只玩地盒係極其危險, 尤其當唔係太識玩電的時候就梗加唔好。

其實KING SIR編文已經有部份解答:


地盒並不能代替地線的功能, 只是其中一種把干擾帶離機身的方法。

kelvin2517 發表於 2013-7-29 15:14

leojai 發表於 2013-7-28 19:01 static/image/common/back.gif


odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-10 23:28

angllewave 發表於 2013-7-29 00:52 static/image/common/back.gif
>是否我想錯, 地盒只供機身接地? 電源綫水線不接地盒而是接 wall socket?

係,飛地線而只玩地盒係極其 ...

Thank you very much, it is very useful to understand 地盒 is only improving the circuit ground performance.Not related to the safety AC ground.

A very similar product from Japan in this space. would be RGC24 by Acoustic Revive.But it is much more compact.



odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-10 23:33

本帖最後由 odysseyhk 於 2013-8-10 23:44 編輯

Instead of using bulky "地盒", there are "Grounding Control Devices" which is much more handy.

There are a lot of discussions in forums.  


I found a good summary by Audio Sensibility who produce it as product.



odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-10 23:35

本帖最後由 odysseyhk 於 2013-8-10 23:55 編輯

I have ordered it to try.   So it is"地盒" without"盒".


Disclaimer: I have commercial interests in HiFi industry.However, I have no commercial interests with Audio Sensibility.

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-11 17:17

angllewave 發表於 2013-7-29 00:52 static/image/common/back.gif
>是否我想錯, 地盒只供機身接地? 電源綫水線不接地盒而是接 wall socket?

係,飛地線而只玩地盒係極其 ...


odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-18 16:46

Tried the Audio Sensibility Ground Device today. I left it connected for 2 days let it stabilize first. The I did A-B-A comparison and it worked very nicely with my Wyred4Sound DAC2 DSDse . With this micro ground device, there is good improvement in dynamics and the image is more 3D. I like it and going to buy more and try on other component .

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-18 16:46

The Audio Sensibility ground device is the little "pig tail" in the middle.

odysseyhk 發表於 2013-8-18 16:47

f you have a fine-tuned system and want further improvement with little money, it is highly recommended.I suspect if your system is not well optimized, you may not hear the improvement as there may be other performance bottleneck.

I recommend it as it improve fundamental performance of the DAC with improved circuit ground which I don't have any other tweak on hand.

I'll order more and try it on preamp, power amp.Will report the findings.
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