nighthawk 發表於 2012-10-24 07:18

all in one system

2萬-3萬幾 all in one 解碼功放一體機 邊部好,想駁nas 用apps選歌用,各位師兄俾d意見小弟 thanks
1) Bel Canto e.One C7R DAC Integrated Receiver with DAC, FM and Phono Section
2) Perreaux Audiant 80I
3) naim uniti 2
4) linn dsi/dsm (貴ar...)
5) Micromega as400


nighthawk 發表於 2012-10-24 07:25

本帖最後由 nighthawk 於 2012-10-24 07:26 編輯,r:23,s:20,i:198

losai 發表於 2012-10-24 10:01

本帖最後由 losai 於 2012-10-24 10:02 編輯

1. Class d

2 Class ab

3. 冇usb

4. Class d

5. Class d

用class d 不如用 av amp or 用電腦駁logitech 聽 算啦

其實你有冇聽過class d amp? Elipson wadia 都有all in one全部class d

nighthawk 發表於 2012-10-24 10:08

losai 發表於 2012-10-24 10:01 static/image/common/back.gif
1. Class d

2 Class ab

以上幾部我只聽過 uniti 2 ,其餘未去聽過.所以未知分別有幾大{:1_256:}
class d 真係會較為失真?另外師兄如果唔介意可否講我知你部amp係邊到有得試?

losai 發表於 2012-10-24 10:15

Class A or, (and to some extent), A/B amps are simpler designs which only require 2 devices, (push-pull outputs), in order to recreate both halves of the original waveform. Easiest way to explain it is the least amount of devices needed to go from input to output, the cleaner the sound. However, power-wise they are extremely inefficient, need about .5 hour warm up time from a dead start to reach full performance due to charging their huge toroidal power supplies… but they are by far the only way to fly when you’re seeking out the best.

Class D amps use a ton of internal switching devices, (which in turn degrades the original wave form) in order to achieve a very high power efficiency rating and a lower THD, (Total Harmonic Distortion), by using excessive amounts of negative feedback loop which is nothing more than recycled power which makes the amp more likely to clip.

losai 發表於 2012-10-24 10:17

nighthawk 發表於 2012-10-24 10:08 static/image/common/back.gif
以上幾部我只聽過 uniti 2 ,其餘未去聽過.所以未知分別有幾大
class d 真係會較為失真?另外師 ...


nighthawk 發表於 2012-10-24 10:19

losai 發表於 2012-10-24 10:17 static/image/common/back.gif

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