LemonTea 發表於 2012-11-15 16:39

Thanks all bros who reply this post.

I opened this new post with specific topic to ensure the right person can enter the post and make reply.

1. Marantz Pearl and PioneerTAD-D600 SACD player can only decode PCM from their digital in. Decoding DSD from these machine must read from the SACD, cannnot via the digital in. Any bros know if only SACD player in market can decode DSD via digital in?
2. Univesal Player is not my cup of tea in 2-channel system
3. Is it only Korg and Mytek DAC can decode DSD via digital in (usb/firewire)
4. It seems no SACD transporter can output DSD signal to DAC except dCS, Accuphase, Esoteric etc. which their transporter can send encrypted DSD signal to their own DAC. The bad thing is other brand DAC cannot accept those enscripted DSD signal. The second bad thing is those brands are too expensive to me (more than $100K).
5. So if you would like to play both SACD and DSD file, you have to buy two machines: SACD player with built-in DAC to play SACD and another DSD DAC to play DSD file?

chhanthony 發表於 2012-11-15 17:55

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2012-11-15 18:04 編輯

LemonTea 發表於 2012-11-15 16:39 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks all bros who reply this post.

I opened this new post with specific topic to ensure the right ...

1. Marantz Pearl and PioneerTAD-D600 SACD player can only decode PCM from their digital in. Decoding DSD from these machine must read from the SACD, cannnot via the digital in. Any bros know if only SACD player in market can decode DSD via digital in?
>>> Emm Labs,DCS,Playback,Esoteric can do this WITH THEIR OWN COUPLE!

3. Is it only Korg and Mytek DAC can decode DSD via digital in (usb/firewire)
>>>Chord、Benchmark DAC2、Meitner MA1 also can decode DSD via usb and as my memory Mytek can accept DSD via spdif, assume you have a SACD transport can out the DSD signal via spdif.

5. So if you would like to play both SACD and DSD file, you have to buy two machines: SACD player with built-in DAC to play SACD and another DSD DAC to play DSD file?

nicknick 發表於 2012-11-15 19:14

LemonTea 發表於 2012-11-15 16:39 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks all bros who reply this post.

I opened this new post with specific topic to ensure the right ...

dCS的DAC及SACD盤+DAC組合將會加入DSD on USB功能以讀取DSD file 播放,相信師兄若果期望一個source系統又能讀SACD碟又能讀DSD file,看來暫時只有這類100k up的系統做到,或像你所說,各買1部SACD player及能讀DSD file的DAC了。
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查看完整版本: 想買SACD機

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