wil-wil 發表於 2009-6-1 18:50

名乎其實既電腦桌 ... 附有液體冷卻機殼 (轉載)

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Popular Mechanics 將在六月份的內容中,跟大家分享如何打造一張有型 (小藍 LED)、實用、強悍的電腦桌 / 電腦機殼 / 液體冷卻 (冷卻劑為 1.8 公升的乙二醇) 系統等多合一的桌上電腦。

詳細的工程,各位可以在引用來源中慢慢欣賞;而除了有上述強大的各項功能外,裡頭塞進去的硬體配備也不含糊,包括兩台 300GB 的 VelociRaptor 硬碟、GeForce GTX 280 GPU、七個風扇、Sony 牌的藍光光碟機、4GB DDR3 RAM、時脈在 3GHz 的 Core 2 Quad 處理器等。

1. The desk surface was constructed by Danger Den of two sandwiched,
    laser-cut layers of clear acrylic bolted to an aluminum frame.

2. A half-gallon of glycol runs through 15 feet of Tygon tubing and
    a radiator, cooling the processors.

3. To support our Times Square lighting, we used an Antec TruePower
    Quattro kilowatt power supply.

4. Two 300-GB 10,000-rpm VelociRaptor hard drives handle storage.

5. Synaptics engineered us this one-of-a-kind, flush-mounted touchpad
    with an integrated proximity sensor and light.

6. At the heart of our system is XFX’s 790i Ultra SLI motherboard,
    outfitted with 4 GB of Kingston HyperX DDR3 RAM and a 3.0-GHz
    Intel Core 2 Quad processor.

7. This worthless 15-inch custom PCI-E cable did not work - so we
    replaced it.

8. We cooled our PaLit GeForce GTX 280 graphics card with
    Danger Den’s Tieton water block.

9. Seven fans circulate air within the desk—and 13 bright-blue neon
    lights blind the user at the desk.

10.Ejecting up from the desk surface is a Sony BDU-X10S Blu-ray drive.

ming 發表於 2009-6-1 19:50

夜晚開藍燈 嚇死人

Kelvin 發表於 2009-6-1 20:40


rlwk2009 發表於 2009-6-1 21:04


ming 發表於 2009-6-1 21:33

張抬夠大 裝10個1tb都幾好

kwchow08 發表於 2009-6-1 21:54


ikkjr 發表於 2009-6-2 10:12

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Popular Mec ...
wil-wil 發表於 2009-6-1 18:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thx for sharing{:1_326:}
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查看完整版本: 名乎其實既電腦桌 ... 附有液體冷卻機殼 (轉載)

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