10月20日入手 Hitchcock Collection 希治閣珍藏套裝(實物圖)
又到我見習生出塲啦!今次主角係Alfred Hitchcock(The Masterpiece Collection)
呢套小弟都等咗好耐啦..(本來話9月初出), 經典導演及作品集絶對值得收藏!
畫面聲效並不是我入手主要原因,最主要因為希治閣! 碟內圖 真喺好正{:6_193:} 畫冊 經典嘢,good...{:6_193:} 請問有無中字? 英遜已訂,11月5日出,部份好似有中字,本來訂豪版,但最終訂正常 Box Set. 始終個 size 好 D,死忍都要忍到 11月。{:8_394:} 我睇blu-ray.com,部份好似連英文字幕都無,係咪架?我都想入呢 why some version has 15 movies, while some only 14 movies. The one I got in Australia only has 14 movies. sammypan 發表於 2012-11-16 10:12 static/image/common/back.gif
why some version has 15 movies, while some only 14 movies. The one I got in Australia only has 14 mo ...
"North by Northwest" is released by Warner Bros. It can be included in the boxset in some regions, while cannot be included in some other regions.