點樣UP架, 點解我朋友部galaxy nexus仲係4點零幾既, 尋日同佢研究左一輪都唔知點up法。 ...
setting(設定) --> system update (關於電話) --> check now
最好係用wifi, 正常佢會話你有野update 架喇喎
師兄部機會行機? 用邊個台?
沙煞比 發表於 2012-11-14 10:15 static/image/common/back.gif
setting(設定) --> system update (關於電話) --> check now
最好係用wifi, 正常佢會話你有野update...
都係咁試, 我朋友部係smartone行機黎。 PP-HK 發表於 2012-11-14 10:18 static/image/common/back.gif
都係咁試, 我朋友部係smartone行機黎。
咁應該會係4.1.1 黎架喎, 無理由係4.0.x
去數碼窿問下好喎 我都覺得奇怪 親生仔有4.2了 good......let me try 今次我下定決心用4.2 轉番做親生仔rom 先得
唔可以再等*** 呢個後父比啫喱豆我食 記住雙wipe之後先上4.2會順好多。 Actually I found 4.2 is good for power consumption, I feel like 40% better then 4.1.2.
Even google rom, there are two different version seem the one with google wallet is better.