j914 發表於 2012-10-24 15:26

I think standmount speakers were fine to play back the piano notes in high quality, their weakness was the ultra lower frequency (20 -50Hz) and the performing scale etc.Bypass these stuffs, those speaker was okay to enjoy any kind of music without doubts, don't worry to go for them.Happy for listening music...{:9_421:}

eyebyeye 發表於 2012-10-25 19:24

The low frequency below 70hz of a small bookshelf speaker would attenuate more than -6 db very rapidly. Although some design using air duct (迷宮式氣孔) may help a bit at lower base range but it gets worse transient and less impact/dynamic.

The lowest tone (Key A0) of a 88 keys 9 feet grand piano is 27Hz. I am sorry to tell you that, for a small bookshelf speaker, not only the amount of lower and deep bass is not enough but also the incredible dynamic of a grand piano can't be handled.

j914 發表於 2012-10-27 12:35

Just focus on the music presentation of the speakers, don't over emphasis the power of tech spec, sometimes they can't give u a it help. Listen, listen and listen... you're able to find the difference,   and what you like! enjoy!{:9_421:}
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