有冇師兄用amazon gift card 買過碟?
Amazon gift card code 可以令一眾沒credit card 的人體驗在amazon 購物的樂趣,但末知用gift card 購物會否運送香港?如果曾用過gift card code 購物的師兄麻煩分享一下經驗,謝謝:D 申請到先可以分享嫁{:8_390:} SonSon 發表於 2012-10-12 13:39 static/image/common/back.gif
我有個FD一直系AMAZON 買開野,應該買到@@? 之後SD比我EMAIL 再入我ACC用?
Amazon.com Gift Cards - E-mail Delivery Sonson 版主寫得好清楚係到唔係左
不如CHing 你試下申請完再分享比我哋知吖 美遜試過無問題,你買左後佢會email 條code來,係你ac輸入條code你就有買左幾多錢既deposit,不過錢只係輸入果區計,唔係各區amazon共通既 明白,謝謝
試下先. Sorry,講得唔清楚。其實點解要申請gift card?又唔係有著數。gift card=coupon,通常用黎送禮用,如果用開credit card,冇必要買多樣野。 SonSon 發表於 2012-10-12 20:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Sorry,講得唔清楚。其實點解要申請gift card?又唔係有著數。gift card=coupon,通常用黎送禮用,如果用開cred ...
美遜有時us100 gift card ,只需pay9草 kkchau 發表於 2012-10-12 20:35 static/image/common/back.gif
美遜有時us100 gift card ,只需pay9草
原來如此,禁都幾底bo{:9_428:} Sometimes if you have a friend in US wants to pay you some money, you can ask them to pay you in Amazon Gift Card to avoid the 4% charge on PayPal. I have tried this many times.