本帖最後由 jarjarlam 於 2012-10-5 02:28 編輯小弟個ROUTER岩岩死左, 急換一個, 想要一個WIFI信號強D既
請各師兄俾D意見, 我星期五晚就會去買
唔該各位 華石ac66u{:6_182:} ASUS N66U 或者 N56U 都得啦, 唔洗AC66U吓 !! Ching, you do not need 802.11a/c now.. coz no hardware support that yet.The below are 2 routers I am thinking... you can try to ask for other opinion
Netgear WNDR4500
from other report strong wifi signal and good speed but also got some report say got issues of quality
Belkin AC1200 DB
new router with 802.11a/c but not true 802.11 a/c speed but price is quite reasonable...But some ppl say the speed seems dropped after using long time..... N56U 而家抵買呀 唔使7百 thx all ching hkguy-sp 發表於 2012-10-5 10:01
Ching, you do not need 802.11a/c now.. coz no hardware support that yet.The below are 2 routers I...
其實我想搵d一千蚊以下 TP LINK TL-WDR4300, ok嘛? TP LINK 有師兄話wifi signal 唔夠華碩好 Buffalo WZR-HP-G450H
SSP 街價$770