有沒有師兄有 OPPO BDP9x-63-0117 的軟件呀?
有沒有師兄有 OPPO BDP9x-63-0117 的軟件呀? 可以 send 給我嗎? {:1_247:}{:1_247:}{:1_247:} ching試下呢條linkhttp://www.hdpop.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=23188{:9_425:} CHING 有冇EMAIL PM比我,我SEND 比你 OPPO BDP9x-63-0117 係read iso ? wwwhifi 發表於 2012-11-16 16:27 static/image/common/back.gif
OPPO BDP9x-63-0117 係read iso ?
更喺可以读到ISO啦 Jason-bin 發表於 2012-11-19 09:25 static/image/common/back.gif
最新 read iso 唔係2012-07-27 呢個 BDP9X-61-1219 ? wwwhifi 發表於 2012-11-19 12:09 static/image/common/back.gif
最新 read iso 唔係2012-07-27 呢個 BDP9X-61-1219 ?
呢個我就唔知63-0117軟體喺可以讀到ISO I just upgrade to this firmware n it is better than61-1217, in reading Bluray disc, especially those from Universal. However, I still have a few disc that cannot be read n it kept saying 'Unknown disc', like the Barry Manilow concert. Do anyone have this same problem too ??? 條link死左,有無Ching可以救下我{:8_387:} 本帖最後由 ga20080517 於 2012-11-29 01:37 編輯
I want one as well!