Speaker 沙沙声 - Please HELP!
Today when i turn on the tube amp which is connected to CAS.The speaker has 沙沙声 even when i turn on the power without music.Any C-hing can help me out and let me know how to fix this?
Thanks a lot! 高手未出嚟前,吹兩嘢先。可能係膽機的電阻grounding老化或有問題。
你部係咪牌子的膽機? 回復 1# alvinc8
I suggest you unplug the speaker cables and then clean up the connectors of the speakers. Let's see still with 沙沙声 or not after plugging the speaker cables again. Good luck. 本帖最後由 ozrayyau 於 2012-10-1 07:46 編輯
唔用 CAS, 用 cd/dvd 等會唔會都一樣? 一向有定突然有?
膽機唔駁喇叭, 時間一耐有機會燒 output 牛, 一定要熄機{:6_195:} What CAS do u use?
If u turn off the CAS and the problem isgone
It's by the CAS
I tried this problem also