小弟想買C300 ! 求買C300的link
各位大哥,因小弟從未上網買過任何野,請各位幫忙提供條 C300 line比小弟Thanks {:6_195:} 應該係Popcorn hour嘅官方網站:
http://www.popcornhour.com/onlinestore/index.php?pluginoption=shoppingcart&task=viewCart 應該係Popcorn hour嘅官方網站:
myblue 發表於 2012-9-30 00:53 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks Ching !已經買了。但是否寄去我paypal 地址?因為它都無叫我入地址{:6_141:} Yes.Unless you send them a email, or they will send base on your paypal account address.
ps.Using Popcorn hours c-300 for around 3 weeks... it is more like disappoint... Himedia 600B do better job (other then media wall). pocarisky 發表於 2012-10-4 16:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes.Unless you send them a email, or they will send base on your paypal account address.
ps.Usi ...
唔係掛, 600B 好過pch c300?係米講緊買機個下嘅步驟呢? c300冇內置 藍光碟機,留左位俾你加,但要拆機都幾煩,最好用外置
讀files能力係就差過himedia OK, 明晒. 讀files能力係就差過himedia <<---- Thats the main problem.
I do purchase a internal Bluray player from Taobao. works fine.Also add a USB 2.5inch harddisk.
Cannot play 3D bluray ISO (but thats the chips set limit, not their fault). 除左3D, 有乜file讀唔到呢? pocarisky 發表於 2012-10-5 14:09 static/image/common/back.gif
我先2個月係新高登買隻內置 blue ray player
請問你買的甚麽型號 ?
今日試播 Prometheus隻2D碟,播了10分鐘就停