ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 02:03

Losing Virginity at 日sound

本帖最後由 ggongg 於 2012-9-29 02:12 編輯

On my previous post Chings suggested me to go and listen and experience the "sound" before deciding which SP > which amp > which cdp. Well I have paid my first ever visit to the 日sound at Whampao.

Before that I need to praise the boss(?) of Chiu Gor! Wow his helpfulness and generosity made my discovery journey more easy. This kind of community shops need to be supported.

It only lasted for an hour before my boss urged me for a dinner. And actually she turned out quite supportive on my adventure and never-look-back hobby{:8_362:}( in conditions of also supporting her hobbies of bags collection! )

I am now focusing on Speaker.
Speaker: Monitor Audio GX200 (RP: $ @x,xxx) The built is very nice. It is the near top-end series.
Amp: Octave V70 SE
Cdp: Denson B410XS

(forgive my amateur use of terms)
1st tune: Anon: Introitus - Laudate Deum
2nd: Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 - Hallelujah Chorus
The vocal is crisp, and it is as if a 'live performance'. The 'echo' from the recording is enhanced. The overall impression is quite breathtaking.

3rd: Vivaldi: Violin Concerto In E, Op. 8/1, RV 269, "The Four Seasons (Spring)" - Allegro
The violins is sharp, though it might not be as impressed as the vocal from above.

4th: Scarlatti (A): Keyboard Sonata In D, L 465 - Allegro
This is one of the issues I would like to point out that the piano is quite flat and lacks of the dynamics.
Chiu Gor does mentioned that the speaker has not been run-in and so does the Octave Amp. What is the requirement of gear for piano?

5th: Schubert: Symphony #5 In B Flat - Allegro
There is another issue, the sound is some how blurred or mixed when a lot of instruments playing together, at the mid range.

Please correct if wrong and all comments are welcome. I wanted to give a trial on the 505u but Chiu Gor said he no longer sells that. It would be great to get a AB test and to see if a "stone" amp will give a different picture to it.

I hope I'll try the following before deciding:
505u / super 34
s2000 / c-30
toy tower / KEF R / Pro AC


xover 發表於 2012-9-29 08:22

you need not to try the new luxman la ,it will make you feel disappointed

beerboy 發表於 2012-9-29 09:22

On my previous post Chings suggested me to go and listen and experience the "sound" before deciding...
ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 02:03

    唔好lux呀....我奶過野呀........ {:8_399:}

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 11:51

you need not to try the new luxman la ,it will make you feel disappointed
xover 發表於 2012-9-29 08:22

    then try which amp?!

xover 發表於 2012-9-29 12:34

then try which amp?!
ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 11:51 AM

   近代擴音機之設計其實一路都無進步過·只系用新機売去包裝舊線路·class A ,class A B ,用不同之bias 去校出吾同之聲音·而近來洪流行之class D ,更加系平價之ice power 所演變出之卓頭機·聲音斷尾,像真度低:你所講之melody ,唱rock 一定吾掂·就算較覆雜之古典如畫展尾段基頓大門·亦出到一嚿舊·樂器糾纏不清。建議你去鴨記試下D二手中價vintage ,可能更合你囗味

beerboy 發表於 2012-9-29 12:37

近代擴音機之設計其實一路都無進步過·只系用新機売去包裝舊線路·class A ,class A B ,用不同之bias ...
xover 發表於 2012-9-29 12:34


ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 17:44

Just went to TST today and tried speakers:
Toy Tower
Dali Helion 300 MK2
with Audia Flight 3 (cdp+int amp)

The staff (who I think is the boss) said that it could have been better if using a bookshelf speaker given the space of my living room.
The toy tower turns out a little bit soft. While the dali speaker does a fine job on recreating the 'percussion' and the 'sound' of piano. The downside is the depth of the bass (because it is a bookshelf?)

Well of course he is selling what he thinks is best to me, and also that would make him a better profit ($28,xxx speaker + $2,xxx stand (after discount) + $#x,xxx set of cdp/int amp). Though I think there are better alternatives.

xover brother could you pm me more details on the vintage stuff? {:8_389:}

xover 發表於 2012-9-29 17:49

Just went to TST today and tried speakers:
Toy Tower
Dali Helion 300 MK2
with Audia Flight 3 (cdp+in ...
ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 05:44 PM

    Toy Tower 听Rock死哽...Classic大棚野重死多幾錢...Dali Helion好D...不过太斯文...听小提琴还可以

Vintage 音响....你入去窮人睇Concert大把{:1_253:}

xover 發表於 2012-9-29 17:52


ggongg 發表於 2012-9-29 19:07

Losing Virginity at 日sound


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