alibabar 發表於 2012-9-29 17:36

回復 38# sunboy


kenjilai916 發表於 2012-9-29 17:41

回復 38# sunboy

    你謙 z。。。

sunboy 發表於 2012-9-29 17:59

本帖最後由 sunboy 於 2012-9-29 18:03 編輯


alibabar 發表於 2012-9-29 17:36

    緊係唔係啦{:9_435:} .........啱啱先聽你講買埋隻"傷心小站"湊夠蔡琴七寶 {:6_190:}

1 蔡琴老歌--編號:飛碟唱片UR-8516
2 傷心小站--編號:飛碟唱片UFO-8623
3 民歌蔡琴--編號:點將唱片DJCD-96108
4 機遇—淡水小鎮--編號:Godot Theatre Company果陀劇場
5 遇見--編號:常喜EOA01001
6 金片子壹“天涯歌女”--編號:常喜ZD-A01004
7 金片子貳“魂縈舊夢”--編號:常喜ZD-A01005

sunboy 發表於 2012-9-29 18:04

回復 42# kenjilai916


kenjilai916 發表於 2012-9-29 18:23

回復 44# sunboy


alexyim 發表於 2012-9-30 00:01

Please click on below link.Click on each CD to get a bigger photo and more information.

You ...
Soundboy 發表於 2012-9-29 14:04

Soundboy 兄我不是質疑你呢!而是說B哥哥出的碟都沒有你收到的那樣多呢!

faihim 發表於 2012-9-30 00:15


spencerchan1 發表於 2012-9-30 00:33

林憶蓮 over 60 {:6_162:}

阿正 發表於 2012-9-30 01:22

本帖最後由 阿正 於 2012-9-30 01:27 編輯

all box set count as 1 unit cd:

許冠傑 - around 32 CD
陳百強 - around 30 CD
譚詠麟 - around 70 CD
林子祥 - around 33 CD
鍾鎮濤 - around 9 CD
張國榮 - around 38 CD
Wong Hoi Kan - around 18
Huang Kit - around 20
Lee Hak Kan- around 18
Kwan Cjing Kit- around 19
Cheung Siu Chau- around 10
Cheung Lap kei- around 10
Beyond - around 20
Eason - around 37
Lui Fong- around 16
Hui Chi on- around 10
Danny summer -around 22
Wong Jim- around 4
Ng Kwok king- around 7
Teddy robin- 3
Cheung shuk kei cheung shul tak-7
Lee kwok cheung - 8
Chau kai san-5
Yip cheuk Tong- 9
Tsang Hong san-8
So wing hong-11
草猛 -around 16
Cheung yee kin-6
LoLo - around 15
Law man - around 20
Leon - around 12
Tai Ming - around 29
Albert Au- around 13
Cheung hok yau=around 40
Lam yat fung- around 11
other-not count

p.s. 大約數, 女歌手未執

Soundboy 發表於 2012-9-30 01:45

碟神兄,2CD counts as one CD. That's mean a 4cd or a boxs counts as one cd (it ...
alibabar 發表於 2012-9-28 22:46

No more 碟神兄 la....too big of a title {:1_329:}

The numbers I give in the original post are just estimate numbers based on the pictures I have.For example, the Danny Chan concert CD is a 2 CD set, but I counted as 1 because I only have 1 photo of it.
頁: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8
查看完整版本: 你最多CD係邊個歌手?

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