ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 14:52

Expert Advice Needed

Hello ching,
I'm completely new{:6_189:} , and now considering buying CDP + AMP + speaker, would be great to get your advice.

Here is my requirement:
- mainly for classical / jazz / pop
- to be placed in living room ~200 sq. ft.
- budget 20~30K

Having looked around, a lot of chings love audio lab 8200CD and yamaha CDP S2000 or Marantz SA-11S2 (which are much pricier){:6_200:}
I would like to know if I were to pick 8200CD, should I also choose the:

1) Audiolab 8200A to make a pair?!
2) luxman 505u (costs more and quite a few chings use it and comment the output is 清過清水, correct me if wrong)
3) or other suggestions

And please also suggest the speaker.
Sorry for too many questions.
thank you!

Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 15:24

My newbie advice:
1.Suggest you add budget {:8_368:}
2.Choose speaker first {:8_403:}
3.Your living room size is how many ft X how many ft ?

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 16:13

回復 2# Lester

Thank you Lester Ching, I read a lot of your posts{:8_389:}
It is in diamond layout, living area: 9*12 + dining area 8*12.

Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 16:25


Thank you Lester Ching, I read a lot of your posts
It is in diamond layou ...
ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 16:13

嘩~{:8_389:}   由speaker 到牆有幾多呎? 如果係十二呎個邊可以玩坐地啦~~ {:9_407:}

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 17:09

本帖最後由 ggongg 於 2012-9-26 17:24 編輯

回復 4# Lester



speaker 到牆 9~10尺

Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 17:38




speaker 到牆 9~10尺 ...
ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 17:09

10呎可能都玩到坐地wor, anyway 去睇左speaker 先啦, amp,cdp 慢慢諗{:9_409:}

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 17:42

10呎可能都玩到坐地wor, anyway 去睇左speaker 先啦, amp,cdp 慢慢諗
Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 17:38


Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 18:06

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 17:42

去出街聽下先lor, 最好家訪下吾同ching, 不過如果你家訪,你有心理準備比人毒到high high, 分分鐘要比多一倍budget 都收吾到科 {:8_401:}

如果你聽 classical 既意思係 symphony 你就大獲啦, 30K一定出吾到門口~~ {:8_398:}

你仲要諗諗你想玩名牌野定土炮, 一手定二手, 呢D野各有各fans,好難講邊樣正


dinodin 發表於 2012-9-26 18:10

Being a Naim user of course I will suggest that you pay Radar a visit (Time Square or iSquare, Time Square has more knowledgeable staff) and ask for a dem on Naim (CDP + Amp) and ProAc (speakers). Likely to exceed your budget though but you may think it's worth the extra outlay.
Audiolab sound makes me fall asleep. Sorry........

ggongg 發表於 2012-9-26 18:12

去出街聽下先lor, 最好家訪下吾同ching, 不過如果你家訪,你有心理準備比人毒到high high, 分分鐘要比多 ...
Lester 發表於 2012-9-26 18:06

    ching你而家都毒緊我啦! 係啊symphony 多! 禁ching 你家在那{:9_428:}
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