我想請工人呀~ 要照顧BB,我之前未請過,有無ching可以提點下呀~我吾想日日飲加料羅宋湯呀~ {:8_381:} 個人經驗, 印好過賓.
因為賓賓的工會太大, 有咩事都搵工會照. 個人經驗, 印好過賓.
因為賓賓的工會太大, 有咩事都搵工會照.
ADA 發表於 2012-9-20 18:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係吾係間間agent無咩分別? 不是agent, 係工會. 回復 3# Lester
no agent is good agent.... especially the big one
For phi and Indo... I think depend your situation.Here is some general comment:
Phi is more smart.... but sometime too smart.. so you need to be careful. However, if both parent needs to work... then more ppl prefer Phi because they are smarter and will know what to do or at least try to call you...Eg if kid got a fever, Phi will call u or take them to see doc...but Indo normally will not do anything or even realise kid got a fever
Phi dont speak Cantonese.... even they know how to..
Phi hygenie better / more clean then Indo
Indo... can speak cantonese... but their english is not as good as Phi
compare to Phi, their hygenie is not that good
Indo more obey than Phi....
Indo more stubborn
You can tell what the Indo feel from their facial expression.. phi more hidden
Indo more happy to work on Sunday or publich holiday but Phi prefer to take the holiday 印印蠢{:6_193:}要慢慢教
大agent要小心 印印蠢少少學歷底少少{:8_372:},賓賓超古惑學歷高少少{:8_373:},
我自己用印印~{:8_364:} 吾該哂咁多位,似乎印印好D
點解細agent 會好過大agent ? 吾該哂咁多位,似乎印印好D
點解細agent 會好過大agent ?
Lester 發表於 2012-9-21 11:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實依家D agent 已經做到好似地產咁, 最好你摸貨, 上午入,下午放,咁佢就執多幾轉佣! 同一道理依家有D不良者會教工人博炒咁你炒佢,佢哋喺呢個妹身上又可以做多轉, 試想下如果個個妹都同主人做滿兩年先續約或請過個新嘅, 以依家咁多agent計,佢哋食屎都得勒! 當然重喺有正當嘅agent嘅, 總之ching要小心! Good luck! 其實依家D agent 已經做到好似地產咁, 最好你摸貨, 上午入,下午放,咁佢就執多幾轉佣! 同一道理依家有D不良 ...
hohodog900 發表於 2012-9-21 12:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你講到好高風險 {:8_381:}